Chapter 4 - Drama Queen

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That night, something bad happened. Alexa was texting her mom, when all of a sudden, Xanadu found one of Solomon's shirts on the table in the bus. It esalated quickly, and Alexa jumped up to help when Jacob was thrown onto the kitchen floor. She helped him up and they went to sit on the couch. After hearing everyone argue for a little bit, Alexa suggested that they go out and get some fresh air. Jacob was reluctant to leave the bus while everyone was mad, but he agreed to go.  

After a few minutes, Solomon came out and apologized to them for over-reacting. Jacob was quick to forgive him, but Alexa was left worried. What had Solomon so wired up, that he flipped out over the slightest thing? She never got a chance to ask, since on the way back into the bus, she tripped. She heard a snap and then the wave of pain overtook her as she passed out from both pain and shock.  

She awoke a bit later, unsure of where she was. Why did her leg hurt so bad, and why was it so dang heavy? Looking down, she felt a wave of nasuea threaten her dinner when she saw the cast covering her foot and halfway up her calf. Alexa heard someone move and looked over, there was the whole band standing in the door of her room, with flowers of all things!  

Seeing her look of confusion, Derek jumped in with an explanation. "When you tripped coming back into the bus, you broke your ankle." This was accompanied by Jacob giving Solomon a nasty look as Derek continued. "Soli feels really bad, he drove you here himself and it was his idea to get the flowers to make you feel better."  

Stepping forward, Solomon handed her the vase, which contained five carnations. "There is one there from each of us. Alexa, like Derek said, I am super sorry that my temper tantrum caused this. I feel horrible, I really hope you aren't too mad at me...," he trailed off, looking down.  

Unable to see him so sad, she had really come to love these insane five guys in the last few weeks, Alexa told him, "Dude, don't worry about it. I am so clumsy, I'm surprised I haven't tripped before! I am not mad at you in the slightest!" As she was about to continue, the door slowly opened again. 

Turning as one, all six people in the room, the band and Alexa saw the last person they expeted to see in a hospital room in northern Minnesota.

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