TOA / Pipercy

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Pipercy is so cute #brotp I feel like Jason isn't worthy of Piper. Reyna is just too regal for him...


Is it just me or is Calypso annoying? she doesn't deserve Leo! All his friends thought he was dead and he went back to save her. wait...that is kind of cute. I feel like she can be a bitch like she reminds me of those girls that are all nice to your face but bitch about you behind your back? Anyway, I like Caleo they're cute but I think she isn't worthy of Leo....

back to Jiper/Pipercy.

I always had a feeling that if Percy broke up with annabeth and Piper broke up with Jason, Jasabeth would end up happening. I dont know if I ship them though because Percabeth is too cute. mixed feelings for Pipercy, I feel like they're cute and if annabeth wasn't in the books, then yeah totally.

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