Pictures mini one shot

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Takes place after Luke's death

Pictures of you, pictures of me, remind us all of what we used to be.

Thalia was looking through her old bag that she left at the Zeus cabin. The hunters were in camp for the day and she wanted some time alone. When she finally hit the bottom, she found a small photo strip.

In it was a very young Thalia, Luke and 7-year-old Annabeth. She smiled at Annabeth and looked at the pictures of her and Luke, 'gods, we were young.' she thought about the day it was taken:

'Come on Luke, for me?' she begged. Annabeth was helping by giving the cutest face possible. Luke looked at both of them, 'Fine, I'll do it.' Thalia smiled and pulled him in with Annabeth following behind. They payed with what they had and took one real photo of thier estranged family, two silly ones, and one with Luke kissing Thalia on the cheek.

Thalia now looked at that last photo and cried. She missed Luke so much yet she didn't let it show through. She looked at the photo and stuffed it in her pocket.

That night, as she was sleeping Luke came to her in a dream, "I'm always here for ya Thals, even if you don't notice it." She smiled in her sleep. Then, she felt as if someone hugged her. One tear fell. "I love you too Luke." she whisphered.

Pictures of you, pictures of me, remind us all of what we could have been.

Those DAM ships (PJO head cannons and Ships)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin