Making It To The Sorrority - Chapter 1

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Picture Zendaya As Winter

Picture Shay From Pretty Little Liars As Shay

Winter's P.O.V

" honestly I don't think I'm ready for this sorority "I Muttered .

I can hear my mom breathing hard. I know when she makes that noise she begins to stress.

"honey this is big and also an opportunity to meet new people and don't even let me mention fashion in the name "

before I could respond we were already there.

When we pulled up I saw a big house. It looked more like a mansion, I guess this couldn't be that bad. I kissed my mom goodbye and grabbed my stuff and left fast before she could cry.  I walk up to the door and I rung the doorbell. When it opened it was a beautiful girl

"Hi my name is Shay "

"my names Winter "

"the other girls are out getting pedicures I volunteered to show you around come on "

Shay was a very nice girl. But while we walk around I realized most everything is pink.  And to be honest I have no problem with that. Shay showed me every room and then last showed me my room.

It was very beautiful and light pink and we'll decorated. I Invited her in and we began talking while I started unpacking.

"so how are the other girls " I couldnt help I had to ask.

"some are nice and some aren't very " she said while looking at the floor.

"what's that under my bed "?

"is that a ...... no way a Ouija board "

I couldn't help but think is this a joke or did someone put that under my bed. I sat there as Shay grabbed it and put it on my bed and motioned me to do it. 

I put my hand on top of her's she must have not been experienced because she didn't know what she was doing. Because she asked is there anyone here  and it didn't move.

She threw it in the trash and motioned me to follow her. I followed her downstairs and we began watching TV. Then the TV cut off me and shay looked at each other and started cracking up.

We went in the basement and on the wall someone wrote in lipstick and it said all of you losers are going to die. I began to get nervous, maybe it was already there. Me and shay got upstairs and there were 3 girls dressed in pink.

"my name is Jenn "

"my name is " Kacey "

"my name is " Arie "

They were also really pretty.  I couldn't help but realize they started all putting on red lipstick. I looked at shay and she had the same confusion on her face. It's almost like they wrote that in the basement.

I didn't wanna say anything because that could make things real awkward.
Arie seemed like she was like the queen b. Or as some people put it the leader.

Me and shay began to walk away but Arie started to speak. 

"where are you going losers we are having a sleepover tonight in the living room ".

We both nodded and went to go get ready and brung our stuff downstairs.

When we got downstairs the candles were lit and it smelt really good. We sat down and we began telling stories but then the lights went off.

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