Close One - Chapter 3

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Picture keke Palmer as Keyana

Picture Kehlani as Lani

By the way those are the girls who aren't dead. Arie, Winter, Shay, Lani, Keyana, Jenn

Arie and Jenn were looking for another girl to join there click. I think it's quite obvious that me nor Shay would ever join.

Lani joined them and Keyana joined us. So it was me Keyana and Shay then them. I felt bad for Lani because now she has to live up to there standards.

"let's have this presidential election "
Arie sat down and motioned us to sit down.

We sat down "everyone is gonna get a piece of paper we are gonna write who we want to be president and put it in the box"

So everyone got there piece of paper and wrote who they wanted. I guess everyone is running no-one has a choice. When we were all done Arie looked at me.

"count those and make sure you count it right "

After I counted I announced the winner. "the winner is Keyana ".

Arie went into a rage she threw the box.

"that can't be right no-one talks to her you girls are idiots let's go Lani and Jenn. "

Next thing you know they were upstairs nowhere to be seen. I could here them upstairs just rambling on about how this wasn't fair and this was rigged.

Me Keyana and Shay decided to go to the mall today. Keyana was a great addition to the group. She was funny cool and all that and she loves to shop just like us.

When we got to the mall it was weird because no-one was in there and the lights were off. But we walked through the doors then the door shut behind us.

And we turned around and written on the doors were written in red lipstick I'm gonna kill all of you. This scared all three of us and we ran to try and find another door.

But to our surprise everyone door in this mall was locked. Me keyana and Shay tried breaking open the door but it didn't work.

While we were trying to break down a door I could hear footsteps. We turned around and it was someone standing there in the darkness with a hammer.

We all screamed as loud as we could and we ran. But the person who was there wasn't running it was just still standing there.

Once we found a chair we tried to smash it through the window and it worked and we all ran out. We went home and when I got home I called Arie Jenn And Lani down.

Only Jenn and Lani came down and they just stood there.

"what "

" We almost got killed at the mall and if it was you that isn't funny "I was getting madder.

"I don't even know what your talking about all of us don't. "

I told keyana and Shay we should have a house meeting because there's a killer and honestly anyone can be next.

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