Chapter 4

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That picture is winter, Keyana and Shay

Winter's P.O.V

While talking about having a meeting we hear a knock at the door. I ran to the door and opened it and I couldn't believe who it was.

It was the police.

"excuse me mam but we have to arrest all three of you guys".

After being locked up and put in there car I remember we through the chair through the window.

I don't think Shay and Keyana even remember. When we got to the police station they didn't ask us about the glass and chair.

They asked us about the murders we have been having in the house. Of course I said I didn't know because it was quite random. Honestly we couldn't tell when someone was gonna get murdered.

When I told them I didn't know they said they would be keeping a eye on us. And if anything else goes wrong they will send a police officer to watch over us.

After being tormented back home I called everyone down for a group house meeting.

" guys it's been murders all over the house there is only six of us left we need to do something " which I started off saying.

"your right even though you guys rigged the election we do gotta do something together "

I was surprised when I heard that come from Arie's mouth. The power went out once again. That is beginning to become aggravating.

Then the lights turned back on and on the wall was say goodbye. And we looked around and Lani was gone we all started screaming.

We know what that means that means the killer killed Lani. This was beginning to be too much. We began with 8 girls now we're down to 5.

Me and all the girls decided to team up and work together. If the lights go out we will be close to each other and make sure nothing happens.

We all decided to sleep in Arie's room since she had the biggest one. We all stayed up and talked and got to know each other. Shay came up with this brilliant idea.

Maybe we should bring another girl into the house. I mean we did lose three but we can get at least one back. Jenn has not been saying nothing the whole day .

And honestly I'm worried her being around Arie has made her a puppet. She won't say nothing unless Arie tells her too. So I brung up the idea of bringing in a new girl.

And everyone agreed we should bring one In. So tomorrow we are all gonna go out and look for a girl to join out sorority. I just hope who ever we find does not get killed.

I just don't understand why go around killing innocent girls one by one. And the people who were being killed were like the followers.

I'm so confused if the followers were being killed then why isn't Jenn dead. Unless she's the killer but we can't jump to conclusions just yet.

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