1 Down To Many To Go - Chapter 2

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Picture Ariana Grande as Arie

Picture Kylie Jenner As Jenn

Picture Normani from fifth harmony as Kacey

Winter's P.O.V

"is that everyone "? Everyone looked at me and laughed.

"No sweetheart there are three more girls " Jenn spoke up for the first time.

I don't know but Jenn and Kacey never really spoke it was always Arie who spoke up.

But it was clear it was me and Shay and it was them. I hope when the 3 girls get back from wherever they don't stay divided.

" I wanna tell a story of what happened to me in this house I think it's haunted " Kacey said

But not long after the electricity shut up. All I could hear was Shay screaming and when the lights turned on we were all screaming.

There laying in the middle of the floor was dead Kacey. I grabbed my phone quickly called the police. And not very long later they came.

Jen and Arie were sitting there putting there lipstick on. I was hoping that the Ouija board wasn't working. And all I could think to myself is it would be my fault.

In came in 3 girls and they were also pretty too. I'm thinking to myself this sorority is filled with pretty girls. They came rushing inside.

"is everyone ok "?

One of them asked and everyone said yeah.

"by the way my name is Keyana "

"my name is demise "

"My name is Lani "

Me and Shay were just sitting there talking to the lady's getting to know them and bonding. And we could see Arie and Jenn evil eyeing us.

"the real reason i wanted this stupid sleepover is because we need to Vote On president " Arie mumbled

"the police are outside don't forget a murder just happened here" I couldn't help keeping it in. Then all of a sudden the sirens stopped.

"what police "? She smirked

We all ignored her smirk she must be playing games with us or something. She did have lipstick and it was red just like the one on the wall.

She killed one of her own no way she is making it to obvious she's the killer.
We started to see Demise shaking.

"someone killed her and it had to be one of our own " then the lights shut back off.

This time we all began to scream because we all know what that means when the light shuts off. Not to long later the light came on.

And Demise was dead everyone screamed again. I started to think maybe it isn't Arie because she didn't even talk to the girl .

At this point everyone is a suspect like what about the girls she walked in with keyana and Lani. Im sure if anyone was to kill them it would have to be them.

Now it was two dead bodies in the house. We took both of them and put them in a hole in the backyard. Then we went back inside. This was too much everyone was dying.

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