Gala - Chapter 6

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That is what they wore

Winter's P.O.V

So we get in the car and I can't wait to get to the gala honestly. I seen a piece of paper in the car it said only 3 of you will survive tonight.

I told the rest of the girls what it said and I couldn't believe it. Could this be true that 3 of us die tonight. I don't get it what's this game because it isn't funny.

Arie found another note the three that survive it's your job to get 3-6 more girls to start this sorority. If I was thinking right I'm thinking it's a game to whoever it is.

Keep the three you like then keep adding and see who stays. That's scary not funny I wanna figure out who the killer is before this goes anywhere.

We get to the place and we all walk in together and it's beautiful. I go straight to the dance floor with Shay and India and Arie and Keyana.

But it's weird because we don't see Jenn anywhere. The DJ stopped the music to tell us.

"excuse me everyone someone told me to shout out first victim ".

I knew what that meant was that Jenn was the first victim out of three. Arie ran off to the bathroom to cry I was yelling for her but everyone was in the way.

So Shay went to go get her at this point standing by me were keyana and India. I was so nervous to know that might not come back.

I went into the bathroom to go look for them and both of them were dead. I couldn't believe my eyes Me, Kenyana and India left.

There is only three what do we do. I have a plan we get some new girls and we get them to help us find the killer. That is the only way we can stop the killer from playing this game.

So me and the girls planned a party for a whole bunch of girls can come. So we can pick out 4 new girls to help us. We posted everything on out social media this party was gonna be a blast.

Me and the girls went to sleep so we can get some rest for tomorrow. When I woke up it was really late it was time for the party to start.

I jumped in the shower and I got out then when I went downstairs everyone was dancing and singing. Keyana and India were checking to see what girls they want.

I decided to do the same because I could use more friends. I really miss Shay she was the first girl I saw when I walked into the house.

And it just sad how I lost her and me and her became so close . And Arie changed to the good side then she had to die. Everyone was getting killed but I'm determined to figure out who the killer is.

So let the party begin ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2016 ⏰

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