New Girl - Chapter 5

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That picture is the new girl Indya

Winters P.O.V

So me and all of the girls get ready and we go to the mall. We figured the mall would make more sense to find our ideal girl.

When we were looking for a girl we were looking for style and looked like she fit in. Arie pointed to a girl and walked over to her.

"hey what's your name "?

"indya "

"how would you like to join a sorority "

"I would love too ".

We spent time with the new girl showing her what kind of clothes to get. And she had fun we took her home and helped her pack and brung her back to the sorority.

I think it's best not to tell her honestly about the murders because she would trip. So we showed her a tour then I heard the doorbell.

I opened the door and saw a letter I opened it. It says you have been invited to a gala. But at the bottom it said come or die.

I told the new girl it was just a catchphrase. But the original girls all knew what that meant. Me Keyana And Shay And Indya went to go shopping for a dress.

I was so excited to go I mean even though there is going to be a psycho there. This will give us a chance to find out who it is and to have fun.

Arie and Jenn didn't come which made me feel a little weird what can they be up to. And not only that we said that we were gonna stay together.

But I guess it doesn't matter once we get to the store we all rush inside. We all start looking through stuff and picking options on what to wear .

On the invitation I just realize it didn't say what the gala was for. All of the girls picked out a dress and we went home.

When we got home Arie and Jenn were sitting on the stairs.

"did you guys have fun "

"yeah we did "

I couldn't wait for the gala because I like to dress up and wear make up and stuff. And hopefully when we go I can meet a boy. Oh my goodness that would be amazing if that happened.

But he would be In danger think about it it's a killer on the loose. So don't you think that he would wanna do anything to harm us. Stuff like this makes me wanna know who the killer is badly.

I guess the Gala is tomorrow so tonight me and the girls are having fun and all that.

But it's on the tip of my mind of what's going to happen tomorrow. Not to long of that subject being on my mind then I fell asleep.

When I woke up o could hear loud music so that must mean they were getting ready. I heard laughing and all that so I joined it. I ran upstairs and everyone was laughing for now.

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