03- Miranda and Birthday wishes

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Yeah btw those are Acacia Brinley aka Ariel, Elle Fanning aka Reina and Uriah Shelton aka Alex

03- Miranda and Birthday wishes

Two days later..

"Hey Miranda" I said in a baby voice, pulling the three years old on my lap, and pulled out a lollipop from my backpack to give it to her.

Miranda is a three years old, who was put up for adoption by her sixteen now nineteen years old mum, who didn't know who the father of her baby was and her parents took her pregnancy in a very negative way.

So, Miranda's case is very similar to mine with a few differences, that's why I got attached to her quickly, besides the fact that my mum too was called Miranda, and considered her as a younger sister to me, if not a daughter sometimes.

Therefore, I decided that I want to adopt her as soon as I'm eighteen and take her away with me when I go to college, as I'm planning on living in an apartment on my own and not on campus.

"Hey Mermaid. Happy birthday!" She says in her little cute voice -Guess who spends a lot of time Alex?- she runs off to somewhere which I think is her room and comes back with a fairly medium box. I open the box and find a drawing of two stick figures, a little girl holding another older girl's hand in the park, they're both smiling and everything seems perfect.
"This little girl is me and the other one is you." She says making me smile and hug her.
"Wait there's more look again" I do as I was told and find a small box and a small envelope.
I open the box first and find a 'Miranda' necklace. I smile and open the envelope, and read the card 'Dear Mermaid, Happy Birthday. I love you. -Miranda' I smile more, hug the little girl again and feel try to hold my tears from falling.
"Thank you so much Mira I love you so much, this is the best gift ever." I tell her and I'm let down by the tears in my eyes that fell.

"Don't cry Mermaid, I'm happy you loved it."
That's when I thought again how can she afford a necklace and how can she write that neatly, she's three for fuck's sake.
"Hey baby girl, how did you get the money to buy that and how did you write that very very beautiful card?" I ask her and she smiles, then goes inside again and comes out but this time with Reina, Alex, and Mrs Hans?
" HAPPY BIRTHDAY" the three of them yell and I ignore Mrs Hans really loud voice but appreciate it and hug them all. Then I look at them again "Wait what do you have to do with this?"
Mrs Hans speaks up first "Well Ariel, if you must know Miranda came up to me and told me that you always bought her gifts and she never did and she wanted to get you a birthday present, so I gave her some. When her mum dropped her off here, she left her some money also don't forget you always gave her money with her presents and she's a wise one when it comes to money. I guess that's all, now if you'll excuse me I have an orphanage to take care of. Happy birthday and should I be expecting you tonight?"
I nod at her apprehensively and tell that no I won't stay the night here. With that she leaves.
Reina's turn to talk, "So, little Miranda here told me when I was here three weeks ago that she wanted to buy you a birthday gift that makes you feel that she's always with you and this was what first popped into my head and ta-da"
"Okay now that explains the money and how she got the necklace, now to the card how did you write that beautifully little one?" I ask Miranda but Alex speaks up.
"That would be me, Miranda told me everything before Mrs Hans and Reins, I offered to give her money but she didn't want to take it so I told her to ask Mrs Hans for some, then when it came to the gift I told her to ask Reina because I suck when it comes to gifts," fact "then she told me that she also wanted to give you a personalized card so instead of buying one I offered to write one for her to give it to you since we know Reins couldn't help in that one because of her sloppy hand writing" another fact that made us all chuckle and earned Alex a smack across the chest by Reina "yeah I guess that's it." He finishes.
"Uh huh, I see. Now look at the time, let's go or we're not getting into first period and I don't want to miss French. Bye Mira thank you for your gift and I'll see you tomorrow." I kissed her cheek and left with my friends.

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