h a i r d y e

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"Y/N can you come here for a minute!" I heard Jack shout. Walking into the lounge room where Josh and Jack sat, Jack was frowning and look worried, where Josh was sat there laughing, almost at the point he was about to cry.

"What's up?" I asked. Josh had managed to calm himself down, but still chuckled every five seconds.

"We are gonna need some hair dye..." Jack muttered. I put on a confused face when I realized they were filming a video.

"Uh can I please have an explanation  first?" I asked. Josh smiled and offered me to sit next to him. I bit my lip and looked at him as he explained.

"A viewer tweeted 'if this tweet gets 5,000 retweets can you dye your hair a fluorescent color' turned out it got smashed and got about 8,000," Josh said. I smiled widely and laughed along with Josh, watching Jack's expression.

"Okay Jack, you have a choice. Pink, orange, green or yellow?" I asked the miserable looking guy. He looked at his phone, trying to escape the conversation. I jogged into the bathroom, pulling the four boxes of dye out of the cupboard.

"If you want, we can get your fans to choose by twe-"  Jack's eyes widened and he shook his head furiously.

"Hell no! No more Twitter!" He protested. Jack looked at the boxes, deciding. "Well, what one will stand out the least?" He asked.

I bit my lip trying to hold back a laugh. "Well, if you look at people these days, everyone is always dying their hair different colors. Look at DJ Tigerlily with her blue hair, and remember when Marcus dyed his hair bright pink? And Simon went red? So really, no one will really care!" I smiled, trying to lighten his mood. Did seem to work though.

Jack still looked mad, "you didn't answer my question." I looked over to Josh.

"I think green will suit him, don't you?" He asked me. Josh and I turned to face the camera. "Okay, we will be back. Take a good look at Jack, because this is the last time you will see him with blonde hair!
Josh and I said to Jack that we were going with green, but payback for a prank he pulled on Josh, we decided to mix the orange and pink together to make a nice looking peachy color. Josh had Jack's phone in his hand to vlog for the video, and I had mixed the colors together.

"Guys I'm not going to lie, I am extremely nervous," Jack said.

"Don't be! Your gonna look amazing."

Josh couldn't stop giggling throughout the whole time. Jack gave him strange looks and occasionally flipped him the bird, but when it was time to wash it out, Jack seemed especially nervous. Jack had his head in the sink, Josh was filming and I was pouring water over his bright orange head.

"AGH FUCK ITS IN MY EYES! STOP IM NOT KIDDING!" Jack shouted. Shaking with laughter, Josh threw a towel at him to cover his eyes. I was shaking too.

At last, all the product was out of his hair, his eyes were closed and Josh and I stood back.

"Okay Jack, on the count of three you can open your eyes. One..." I said shakily.

"Two... Two and a half... One and three quarters..." Josh held the phone to his face.

"Oh fuck you." Jack's eyes were open and so was his mouth. "You right dicks!" He yelled. Josh and I ran out of the bathroom before he could catch us. Conor led us into his room so he could find us and attack us. Jack was outside the door trying to open up.

"My name is Josh, this is Y/N, and hopefully if this video goes up on YouTube we will still be alive. We told Jack his hair will be green, but we purposely mixed pink and orange."

Conor opened the door after 10 seconds of Jack pounding on it, Jack ran in and hit Josh on he arm, stomach and face playfully for what seemed like a thousand times. Conor and I looked at each other, terrified, and crouched down together.

"Nice knowing you Con," I chuckled and wrapped my arms around Conor as Jack hit him too. I felt him glaring down at me. I held my breath and looked up at him.

"How long until it comes out?" He asked. I bit my lip to hide a laugh that was begging to escape.

"16 to 20 washes!" I said before I sprinted around the house like a child. Oops?


10k reads. Holy shit. What the fuck. You guys are amazing thank you all sooo much 😛 also, I'm kinda obsessed with reading Caspar Lee and Simon Minnnnniminter fanfics now, thanks Alert_Scene_FanGirl 😂 #dontkickrhylee

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