Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

So it had come to this. The Liege Maximo had such a numerous amount of secrets, it would fry the minds of whoever he could ever attempt to explain them all to. But, if his brethren were expecting an explanation from him, what good was it to disappoint?

"If hidden information on all of us is to finally leak for everyone to know," he began, "then I suppose now is the time reveal my own. In the beginning, even before we ended our encounter with Unicron, I knew that I had potential for more. I burned with the knowledge that that I could raise myself to the highest points of greatness with my own skills, but Unicron stood in the way of that objective, of course. So, I needed to get the Chaos-Bringer out of the way for Cybertron's future -- and for mine. Saving Cybertron became my primary priority, and we were all united in that effort. Thirteen spoke truly when he reminded us that 'all are one.'

"And so we all know the tale, for we experienced and created it. Unicron was defeated by our variety in skill, yet also by are unity in light. But none of us were truly equal, of course. Right after the climactic showdown with the Chaos-Bringer, I was brimming with ideas to change Cybertron for the better -- my way. And you have all so graciously supported my efforts.

"Yes, of course, you are wondering, 'What does Maximo mean by our help? This sounds dubious!' But I assure you, no one should harbor any fears about my pursuits... as long as you are compliant with them. Now, back to the subject of my actions in the time being. I was, of course, assigned to work on Energon maintenance, but in my free time, labored on projects of my own. I experimented on cybernucleic formulae to attempt to create a new attempt at half-sentient life. Our esteemed leader himself advised that I breed a new type of warrior if I was to aspire to such an arbitrary endeavor."

When blank gazes met him, the Liege Maximo simplified. "Prima suggested I go forward with attempting to replicate life." When he saw understanding in everyone's eyes, he continued. "So, I became the perfect friend for all of you, serving and supporting my brethren in every conceivable way I was able. In turn, I listened to whatever you had to say, whether it was your attitude towards others, your wondrous new ideas for the future, and your secrets about your behaviors. This led to me having knowledge of everything you have all confessed, and so I have a little say in this 'seeds of darkness' business. I know that even I was infested with one by Unicron's mere presence, and it has brought me to a level higher than expected.

"You heard how Alchemist gleaned some of Onyx's cybernucleic acid, of course. But I managed to glean the acid from him, as well as the formula of genetic data. It allowed me to further my research. Then I... borrowed some of the power of Quintus' Emberstone, and he was indifferent in sharing it, seeing as I was the only one who listened to his rants with interest." He saw slightly guilty looks on some faces. That was what they got for neglecting a fellow Prime. "I used that special life-giving energy to bring my creations to a life bordering consciousness. They became amazing warriors in little time, but an error in programming led to... unpredictable alterations."

Another pause. "If I must lower my speech level, then so be it," Maximo muttered. So he simplified his speech. "The creatures became deformed and bestial because of a flaw in genetic coding. I am not the greatest in such scientific pursuits. Some were successful, but I was commanded to shut down my project when Prima discovered they were fighting each other. Admittedly, I did pin the beasts against one another in combat to test their abilities, but I soon aborted that as well. I then settled on raising smaller, more manageable creatures. I even gave one as a gift to Solus. It was done with good intentions, for I desired her happiness." the Liege noticed Megatronus start at the mention of Solus' gift, and he felt that it was not just because he said her name.

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