Chapter 1- A new start*

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Chapter1- A new start

Slowlymy body began to awaken from the dreams I was having.

Mybody was warm and thawed out from all sides, but my mind was foggy,and dizzy. I hurt, everywhere. I could feel something move all aroundme, but I was groggy, my eyes didn't open as I tucked my arms backunder me into the softness, and fell back to sleep.

WhenI awoke next, I felt better, I was still weak and tired, but over allI felt better. I could see faint light over my eyes lids and decidedto try and open them. At first the light hurt, and I flinched backshutting my eyes, but after a bit I tried to reopen one eye, seeing ablur of different greens and browns, and a bit of sunlight flickeredin my vision, while the sound of flowing water woke me some more.

Thesmell of fresh water and upturned earth, floated to my nose making itwrinkle on reflex. I opened my eyes to gain the full view around me,noticing that my teddy was tucked under my arm but, as I glanced downI noticed a very sift brown fur, spread all around me like a giantskirt, I couldn't see a beginning or an end to what it was, but itwas warm. And moving.

Glancingaround again, I took in where I was, not to overly concerned aboutthe brown fur around me, for some reason I felt safe and secure. As Ilooked around I realized I was on the path I had fallen on but I wasnot cold at all.

Aloud groan cut off my thoughts, making my head turn around to see agiant dogs head was laying over my curdled up legs, gently tucked inon its paws and under its neck. I stared at the body that lay allaround me.

Asandy gold brown moulded and blended the soft fur together, like acolourful pallet. I didn't want to move in case it woke up, so Istayed frozen, but when I heard another sound from the other side andfelt movement I turned my head around to the other side, whereanother head was laying by where my head just was. Much like theother head, it was the same colour but this one had an almost all black nose, and its right eye had almost like a pirate patch. It waskind of neat.

Thisdog too was sleeping. As I looked at them both I realized sittingthere, that those puppies made me look very small. That's when Irealized I was surrounded by dog bodies and I was warm.

Glancingaround I wondered if I could make it over them without waking them upso I could get away. Slowly stretching my hand below me to push up, Itried to pull my feet out from under the dogs head. It made a rumblefrom its chest as I moved a little bit from under it. Its head shookslightly as my feet sprung free from the warm spot and I pushed mybody up and away, grabbing my teddy as I went.

Thebodies were thick and my short legs couldn't jump the space needed,so I had to climb over the body to get away. The body below megrowled as I pushed myself over it, but just as I was about to clearthe body, a shadow had appeared above me. Gulping I looked up, andright into big, grey eyes. I wasn't sure why I did it, but I stood upslowly, clutching my bear to my chest as tight as I could, and keptlooking at the massive figure.

Rightin front of me was a big grey wolf.

Ididn't, couldn't move, once I realized what type of animal this was.A wolf. The wolf just looked at me, and then slightly lowered hishead towards my teddy, and sniffed it.

Atfirst I was terrified, I mean who in their right mind would bestanding face to face with a wolf, and not be freaked out, but at thesame time I wasn't scared. I clung tightly to my teddy, as the wolfcontinued to smell me, my hair, my dress, my legs, all over me, Istill didn't move. When the wolfs head came back to my face, its eyeswatched me, probably waiting to see what I would do, and I think Ishocked us both when a small smile made its way onto my face.

Followingthe smile was a little giggle, at the time, I figured I was goingcrazy, I mean can a four year old even go crazy? I really didn'tknow, but this was so weird, and at the same time, very awesome. Igiggled again as I looked to the wolf, who just looked at me.

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