Chapter 11 Royals away

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Chapter 11 Royals away

For the most part I pushed everything into the back of my mind and ignored the nagging feelings about the future. I had no idea what was going to happen if you really take a look at it. I just knew that things were going to turn to a bag of shit from here on out.

We had been on the plane for several hours and in all honesty I have been out of it. I could hear conversations and whispers directed towards me but I just shut it all out. I kept thinking about my like a week ago. Everything had been so wonderful, no weird magical strings latching me to people. No new found commitment to my best friend. No god damn plane ride to see a god damn wolf King. I just have no idea what or how all this happened.

I looked over to Cay who was pretending to sleep. I know he was giving me privacy to try and wrap my head around all of this. But in all honesty all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch with Pen, Daddy, Ash, Gar and Cay, spread out like we always do, just us.

Now that I know about all this werewolf stuff it just seems so out there. don’t get me wrong I have known since age four about them I just didn’t actually think that they had packs in towns, or across the country, or across the ocean. I had no idea how big this crap was, and its hard to just open your arms for the new.

I don’t like change, I like my routine. I like my life. I liked my life. I loved the gym and training with the guys, I loved to show how I can kick ass and take names if I chose to. Now I don’t even know if I get to chose again.

As soon as this started I was Told I am Cays Mate. I was Told, I am going to this king. I was Told, I was Told, I was Told.

I have to admit that without Cay this would have been unbearable and I don’t think I would have coped but with him its easier, its always been that way with him.

Its all gonna change now Isn’t it? All of it. You? Me? Our fun loving family? Why Bee, why does it have to change?

Cay opened his eyes and looked over to me, without moving his mouth his sensual voice washed over me. Yes I suspect it is. I don’t know why it changed love, but I know great things are going to happen. I know your not ready for this, I know this is hard, but do you trust me?

Of course I trust you, I love you so much.

Then trust me when I say I will be with you every step of the way. You are my heart love, Always and Forever...... One thing? Why did you call me Bee?

I gave a little chuckle now thinking as to why I called him that. Well I was thinking about how you are always here and around and I love you for it. Your like a busy Bumble Bee, always busy and buzzing around.

I heard him chuckle and a big smiled played on his lips. I love you too Princess and I love the nickname but you think you could hold off saying that in front of the guys and such, its not very manly you know?

I laughed out loud at him. I didn’t mean to it just happened. He was so precious. I will do my best to call you Manly names in front of your boys baby.

We lapsed back into silence for a while, sending the occasional smile to one another when we would catch each others eye, but other then that the plane was silent. I could feel a pinching pain in my head but I ignored it. I knew what it was, it was Daddy trying to talk to me.

After several minutes of my new found headache from my Dad I finally lowered my walls and allowed him to speak.

Yes Daddy? I tried very hard not to be mad at him, but honestly he is the one who has Told me I am doing those things, so I am holding a little animosity towards him. Its not his fault really, I just needed to pin it on someone and I know he knows that. I love him all the more for taking it with stride, considering he knows I will soon get grouchy because crap ain't going my way.

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