Chapter 2, New friends

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Chapter 2, New friends

Somehow I had fallen asleep, and when I woke up to a gentle nudge and warm breath on my neck, I couldn’t seem to remember where I was, so instead of waking up calmly, I jumped about a mile in the air and took off at a run. I don’t know what made me run, but as I stumbled over the damp earth and little twigs, pushing through the branches getting caught in my hair, I all of a sudden stopped.

I didn’t hear them running behind me, but when I spun around I was faced with three giant wolves. Now normally one would be terrified, but for some reason I wasn’t. I stared into the eyes of the grey wolf, who watched me wearily, as I stood there. As hard as I try I couldn’t remember them, I only knew they wouldn’t hurt me. My eyes widened as the wolf stepped closer to me in almost an invisible movement.

Little squirt are you alright? The voice asked. It was then that that wonderful fatherly voice caused me to remember who they were, but as hard as I try I couldn’t remember anything from before the wolves. I looked into his eyes as tears started to form in mine. I just couldn’t figure out anything, and the only thing I could put to memory were the wolves who saved me, but from what, I couldn’t say.

“I dunno, I can't memer!” the tears were spilling down my face, as my words were broken by sobs. My little body shook as my arms wrapped around myself and sunk to the floor. Not even a second later I felt warm fur wrap around me, and I untangled myself and leaned into him, grabbing fist fulls of fur as I buried my face in it.

Shh, squirt everything will be alright. I promise. You are safe remember, I promised to take care of you, nothing is going to happen, so dry your tears okay? We have to be strong now, we have a long journey ahead of us. Damon spoke softly to me, knowing I was just a little girl, a little girl who apparently had an unmeasurable amount of baggage on her tiny shoulders.

After a few minutes of Damon talking to me, in a calming fatherly tone, my tears had all dried up. I pulled my head away from his fur, and it was then that I noticed the other two wolves, Caden, who for some reason had my teddy in a head lock in his mouth, and Garreth who sat just on the other side of Damon looking at me with worry. I gave them a small smile as my little fists untangled from Damon to wipe my eyes clean.

“Thankth guyth, and Cay? No thlobber on theddy?” I said with a smile as Caden walked over to me and gave me teddy. I patted his nose and stood up.

Cay huh? I like it, could get used to that Princess! You ready to go, we have some food for you and a jacket and warm pants okay? So come on and we will get you fed and clothed. I could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, I could also hear his excitement which for some reason made me excited to, so in a good sense and what I assumed was relief to my wolf friends I smiled a big smile and stood up, grasping my teddy. Before I moved to far I leaned over Damon and planted a kiss on his soft fuzzy nose whispering a thank you as I turned and stepped away.

A little while later I was fed and changed, and bless them they brought toilet paper with them so I could use the little girls tree. These three, these three wonderful new friends were here to stay, and I knew they would keep me safe.

After what felt like hours of waiting around for them, Damon stepped up to me, and I swear if a wolf could smile he just did. I gave him a quizzical look as he laid down on the ground in front of me, my new jacket was warm and I had teddy stuffed inside the front also helping me keep warm, and the fact that I didn’t want to drop him. I smiled at Damon not really knowing what it was he wanted until he tapped my leg.

Climb on squirt, we got lots of ground to cover. Now I know I could defiantly hear the smile in his voice, so reluctantly and a bit unsure I pulled myself up on his back, and squeezed his sides. Not so hard squirt, I want to be able to move honey. He said as he laughed inside my head.

“thorry Dae, otay I think I on. I on Okay?” I asked unsure.

You're good squirt, alright everyone lets move out, and squirt if you are hungry or thirsty or need a rest let me know okay? It will take us quite a few hours to get there, and I will be going pretty fast, so you have to hang on good and tight. Got that?

“Otay Dae, I ready” With that set, we set off, at a much faster pace then I would have dreamed about. The trees and bushes flew by in a blur of greens and browns. To an artist this melded colors would have been a stunning sight but to me, but to a four year old it make me sick. So I did what anyone would do in this sense, I closed my eyes and laid forward, wrapped my arms tighter around Dae and held on as he ran.

I sighed with content as his powerful body kept up an unnatural amount of speed. I let my mind wander to things that made no sense to me, but a small amount of comfort was taken in some of the images that flashed through my head. I didn’t recognize the faces, or the snip its of names, but I knew they were important, for some reason.

I thought about my wolves, its almost funny how I can now call them my own, because now I have a family. I don’t know much about them, but I know they will keep me safe, I can feel it. As we ran I sent a silent thank you to Dae, a thank you that was for everything, and in response what he said made tears trickle down my cheek into his fur as we ploughed along the untamed forest path.

Don’t worry squirt, we will love you forever and will always protect you. Now buck up cause this should be a fun run, only a little more to go.

I kept my eyes closed for the remainder of the journey, noticing that the wind became colder and colder the longer we ran, but I didn’t care. My hands were warm and my head was tucked into his neck and I was comfy, and for him being as big as he was, he was a very smooth runner. After about an hour into the run my legs began to hurt, and now that we finally stopped, as I went to get down it didn’t work out so well for me. I fell on my butt.

The wolves sniggered at me, as a faint blush covered my cheeks, I slowly stood to look around, ignoring those butt heads. We were still in the forest. The ground was covered with leaves and a soft frost was biting around the edges of the fallen foliage. I could hear a stream running at a soft but fast pace somewhere to the left, but none of that was what took my view, no that belonged to the two story house that sat parked in the middle of the trees, with a beautiful veranda spread around the lavish house.

So many windows, was about all I could say, I didn’t know what style or type of house this was but it was big, big and so pretty. It was a light grey color, almost the same color as Damon’s eyes and coat.

There was a swing near the side of the front door, with a little table and chairs. And sitting in those chairs was a most elegant lady and a boy. The lady had beautiful long black hair, and from this distance away I could still see how her beauty put shame to everything around her. Lips as red a new spring rose, and eyes as green as the deepest emerald.

As we walked closer, I tried not to shrink by how intimidating she seemed, it just screamed power, but in all honesty I had no idea what that meant. She was just a little scary with how pretty she was. Next to her in the other chair was a boy, a little older then me, maybe seven or eight.

He had the lady’s hair and eyes, and he was quite handsome, he was way taller then me, but then again everyone is. I slowed my pace to hide behind Damon as he continued to walk towards the waiting people. It wasn’t until now that I thought that maybe they should be afraid of three huge wolves walking towards them, but in all honesty they don’t look surprised. At all.

Did they know we were coming? I wondered next to Damon’s ear. I herd him chuckle in my mind and reply with a soft yes. We continued to walk towards the two people and I tried my best not to be scared as I pulled out a fake but pleasant smile.

The wink the woman sent at me, most likely meant she knew I was faking but I didn’t care, I was so freaked out I felt like I would soil my pants. But when her voice washed over those who stopped at the front of the steps, I felt my fear wash away by the comforting tone she spoke with.

“Welcome friends, and to you young one, I hope your travels were well. Now how about you come in and have some tea with Ash and I. Damon, boys, there are some supplies set out for you around back. We will see you shortly.” she stood up as did Ash, the boy.

She stretched out her hand towards me. A little hesitant at first, I quickly squashed it down and took her hand, as she walked us through the door. A genuine smile forming on my lips at her very warm motherly gesture, as she returned my smile. 

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