Chapter 8, Unanswered Questions

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Chapter 8, Unanswered Questions

I felt like I was hit by a truck. No other way to describe it. My whole body was sore. I flinched as my eyes picked up a little bit of light when I tried to open them, which cause me to groan in pain. I coughed as my dry throat constricted, immediately my body constricted, my muscles tightened and pulled submerging me in full on pain. I whimpered and moaned as my body shook, trying to calm down my muscles. But every time I relaxed one, another one would kick up causing the one I just relaxed to jolt again. So not fair.

Vaguely I heard the door open as someone came in, but I couldn’t say anything, my body was to busy going haywire.

“Give me the shot” some one said. I knew the voice but I couldn’t put my finger on right this second. I heard some shuffling and a tap, then as if someone, somewhere hated me, a sharp pain developed in my arm. I cringed trying to move away, but that proved to be a stupid Idea, seems I'm full of that right now. Man I have never felt worse in my life. This was awful.

I felt the bed dip as a soft voice, a wonderful voice spoke to me “Hey Princess, I know you can't respond but we are here for you okay. We gave you a relaxant so your muscles with soften up. It should make you feel better” I knew it was Cay, but he sounded different, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. As if his words had a soothing effect, I could feel my muscles slowly stop squeezing. I could hear him humming to me. He used to do that whenever I got hurt or sick, he would cuddle me in bed and hum to me. I let him sooth me as my muscles relaxed more and more, and finally once most of the pain subsided, I smiled faintly still not opening my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep again for the grogginess was more prominent this time. Only positive, I didn’t wake up in excruciating pain, which let me tell you is a blessing in in itself. I could hear someone moving around the room, but I was far to tired to move or pay any acknowledgement to my guest. So instead I listened to them hum, and move about. After a few minutes I put two and two together to figure out that it was Cay who was either snooping or cleaning, and I doubt it would be the latter.

Slowly I slid an eye open, very glad it was dark in the room causing me not to squint or have pain in my eye. As soon as I rendered it safe to look I opened both, taking in my room. I was lying in my bed, with several comforters over me, I looked like a puffy marsh mellow, with the amount of blankets. I chuckled quietly to myself but of course, my snoopy guest hear me and whipped around.

I smiled at his startled face, he looked like a puppy who just had his treat taken away, it was rather amusing. “You know Dad said 'He who snoops looses fingers'”

Cay smirked at me, in his tailored 'I'm awesome, and I know it' smirk. I just rolled my eyes as he walked over to me and sat on the bed. “How you feeling?” he asked suddenly turning serious.

“Oh you know, my head feels like it should implode, and I don’t remember anything but from when we left Dad in the school, other then that great” I rolled my eyes at him. How the hell am I supposed to feel, for not knowing what the hell happened.

“Well you passed out on the ride home. Scared the shit out of me. I almost crashed my baby when you first clonked out” And there’s the smirk, doufus.

“Well maybe you should learn to drive better, just saying” I mumbled the last part just to ass an innocent factor.

“Ya ya, whatever. Anyways back to how you feel. Care to elaborate a bit on other things then the imploding?”

I sighed, I really didn’t know what I was feeling. “Well” I paused as I tried to get my words right. Come to think of it, words don’t seem to have much meaning right now. “I guess the basic thing is my body feels..... off?” that was the best I could do. “I mean I feel lightheaded and I feel a tightness in my chest.” I frowned now looking back up at him, there was something that I couldn’t put my mind on right now “And you... there’s something about you”

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