Chapter 12, Unexpected

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Chapter 12, Unexpected

Breakfast was great. We had a whole assortment of foods. I may or may not have pigged out on cookies, but really who can tell? I sure didn’t know what happened. Okay so I had a plate of cookies don’t judge, they were amazing.

“So whats the plan today?” I asked to no one in particular.

King Marcus smiled at me “Well I wont bother you with all the ins and outs today, I will let you rest, take a tour and see the castle. Maybe you could go for a ride on the estate. Just enjoy yourself today and then tomorrow we can get down to it. Hows that sound?” he asked

“Wow that sounds great. I would love to. How about you guys?” I asked my family.

They all smiled and nodded their approval. So that’s what we did. My family and I went and walked the grounds. Prince Miguel and Prince Mathew accompanied us, showing us the ins and outs. Prince Miguel showed us the stables and we all went on a ride. They took us to a beautiful meadow with a giant waterfall falling off the cliffs, spreading out into a glistening clear stream. Different colored fish and birds singing songs made the meadow and creek alive and glorious. And just for shits and giggles I asked Prince Matthew to take a picture of our family in front of the waterfall.

That was something we lacked as a family. Pictures of our memories. Once I hit the age of around ten I stopped wanting photos taken. In the past couple years I had started to get more into it, taking pictures at every turn we could.

Prince Matthew snapped a couple of us, some of single and some with more, he was our own photographer as we goofed around. It was wonderful.

Dinner that night had a few more guests. Besides my family and the three Royals, there was King Marcus' mate, Annabelle. She was an elegant woman with sandy blonde hair of curly delight. She was beautiful. Next was Prince Matthews mate, Gloria. She was nice, but you could tell she was easy to make jealous and angry. She seemed to have a snappy streak and was constantly bickering with her Prince.

Prince Miguel had a lady by the name of Stacy with him, and from what I could tell she was in love with him but him, well she was a toy to him.

It made me sad to see how he would just dismiss what she said at any given time. She was a sweet girl with dark brown hair and shy blue eyes.

Conversation around the table was pleasant enough, no one talked about my new found abilities and I was glad. I didn’t want to be the center of attention. I knew I would be soon enough and I was hoping to prolong that as long as I could.

Cay and Ash had been especially quiet. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with them but I let them be. I knew that if either one wanted or needed to talk they would find me or one of the family to talk to.

I also took note that Prince Miguel was creeping me out hardcore. I could see the lust written plane as day on his face, and I hoped that my Bumble Bee didn’t take any note of it. It could also explain why he is quiet.

“So what do you like to do back home Akira?” Prince Miguel asked, bringing me back from my inner monolog.

I smiled at him politely, it was the best I could do and answered him “Well I love to be with my family. Movies, days out, just being with them is one of my favorite things to do. I'm also still in school. Speaking of I am so gonna have loads of homework when I get back” I scrunched up my face and pouted to Cay “You'll help me right Bee?”

Cay smiled and took my hand “Of course baby”

“I am also trained in almost every form of fighting. Boxing, MMA, you name it we know it. Cay and Ash and Gar actually run a gym back home, its great. I get to kick their butts on a daily basis.” I sent a smile to all three and winked at Gar. He smiled back at me, he knew I couldn’t beat him up but that never stopped me from trying.

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