Chapter 17 Long awaited

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Chapter 17 Long awaited

During breakfast it was easy to get through because Prince Miguel had other 'obligations' to attend to, making it easy to ignore what was to come next. As breakfast came to an end I asked King Marcus about his exercise equipment, and or if he had any. But judging by the bodies of both male and female in this place its clear they have some somewhere. Sure enough he told me about the gym.

I decided that I had been here long enough and having done no running or training i needed to get on it. I was noticing that I was getting a bit lazy. My first sign is when I think about doing it and I say, maybe later. That’s my first clue I need to get back to training.

I enlisted the help of my two mates, I needed someone to spar with and one to look at. Just joking I wanted them to come because they are great athletes and have trained me since day one. We spot for each other and I just figured I didn’t want to leave either one out.

I also decided that I had had enough for the past week. I basically told everyone to piss off, in a nice way. I knew King Marcus was working up what to do with Miguel, and I knew he was working with the other diplomats about what was to come from me and my mates, though no one knew about the soon to be forced on me baby. Cay and Ash didn’t even know. And then to top it off I had been on a constant argument with my Wolf. Lets just say, people think I'm stubborn, they are dead wrong. I'm a damn pussy cat compared to her, she is a vicious lion. I guess that silly I should say I'm a puppy and shes a wolf, but you get my meaning. Shes a bitch. Huh that works also for a female dog....

Anyway she has this notion that just because I know about the reason now behind the baby, that I should her words 'jump on it and get it done'. While my side of the argument is that for one, I still haven’t mated with Ash, and second, I'm kinda still a bit freaked out to be a parent, I just needed a little bit of time. We have only two weeks before the full moon, and I know that if I don’t do it before then, she will. Let me tell you that does not seem appealing right now. Its my body and I wanna be present, yes that’s it....

Needless to say I am headed to the gym to beat a few hours away, I need to unwind a bit. Grabbing hold of both boys, not to forcefully, but come on, the adrenalin of working out was hyping me up. So not my fault when Cay almost hit a wall as we walk, sprinted, ran all the same, doesn’t matter. Pulling them, I burst through the door and gasped. So. Much. Stuff. I am pretty sure, my jaw hit the floor.

The place was filled with anything and everything you could ever need. Letting go of the guys I flew to the placement dummy, where the top half is rubber, great for working on punched and high kicks. And I literally hugged him and named him George.

“Hello George, you are my new friend, and I am going to forcefully kick you ass, just so we know where we stand. Okay?” I smiled to myself, yes I was a bit over the top right now, hence the need to work some of it off, I was going crazy-not in a good way.

“Really Kiki? Talking to a dummy huh? Well Cay, my man I think she has finally lost it” Ash said smirking as he came to stand next to me still hugging the dummy.

“Shut up, your just jealous he has a better body then you babe” I smirked back.

Ash scoffed “Ya right, this is prime stuff here, I work hard for this” He said pointing to his abs. I playfully lifted his shirt and looked ta him. Not an ounce of fat on him, damn this boy was sexy.

“Well I dunno, I can see some flab starting here” I state as I pretend to pinch his non-existent fat. Damn this boys is yummy.

In a flash I'm hiked over his shoulder, spinning around and around, laughing my ass off. I so did not expect him to pull something so childish, but damn hes fun. Where has this boy been lately.

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