Chapter 14

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I worry about Max a lot he and I have been through so much together...Hell we never left one another's side unless it was to hang out with my friends. Max doesn't have any 'good friends' mom likes to say all the time. 'why can't Max have good friends like you?' 'Does your brother do drugs?' she asks all these questions expecting me to answer them. How can I answer when even I don't know...Well I know he smokes pot time to time but that's it. When Max finally came out of the bathroom he just gave me a sad smile as I hugged him and kissed his cheek in a sisterly way. "Sleep bro." I said as he nodded. I sighed as I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. Well I'm sure our stay here will be more interesting than last time...

=Hey guys I'm Andrea Crissy Radke. Haley Radke's daughter and Ricky 'Horror' Olson's daughter; but Mike Fuentes is a better dad to us than Ricky is. Becca our...Step Mom? Is pretty cool she doesn't even like Taylor sometimes. If you don't know who my brother is he's Maxwell Jaxin Radke. We look smilier but not. We are the type of twins that you could tell us apart but some people think we are dating and not brother and sister. My Aunt X is married to our Uncle Jacky they have three boys and a girl their names are Declan, Oliver, Cole and Raven they are pretty young but better to hang out with than Taylor. We hang out with Allie and Ryan's son Anthony he's pretty cool to hang with along with Devin and Kylie's daughter Raylie (pronounced Riley) and son Nick. Brandon and Ashley are pregnant with their first and Josh is still dating along same with uncle Chris. I wear band tee's and skinnies, shorts when it gets uber hot and tank tops if they are cute. ANYWAY Back to my brother and I's story-

When I stepped into the shower I did my thing and changed into my Skelly Rose Vine Skeleton pajama's. I went out to see Max falling asleep, "Max will this summer be okay?" I asked quietly as he mumbled, "only if we see our uncles." I nodded as he passed out. I crawled into bed next to him as he shifted; as he wrapped his arms around me in a brotherly way as I sighed and feel asleep also. I woke to the door pounding as I mumbled, "max someone's at the door." He groaned. "Tell them to go away." He said as I groaned getting up. I stumbled to the door; I opened it to see Uncle Chris, "Shit did I wake you?" I nodded. "come in Max is still sleeping he didn't stop the whole way here so he's dead asleep." He nodded as I looked at Max to see all the scars from school. Everyone was my friend but not my brothers...for some reason they hated my brother.

I covered my brother as I went into the kitchen with Uncle Chris. "he still getting beat up at school?" I nodded, "It got pretty bad on the last day of school, he was in the hospital for a week." Uncle Chris made a mad face. "Kids these days." He mumbled as I shrugged, "Well your dad asked me to come get you we are going out to dinner." I nodded as I went to wake Max but he was already up. "Time to get ready?" He asked as I nodded. He was in the middle of changing into his RUDE Skeleton shirt; he left the shirt unbuttoned for now as I went into the bathroom changing into a corset and my Skirt that was red and black it had a gun on each hip and Red on the bottom with lace on the very bottom. I put my earrings in and heels on I did my make up quickly as I came out of the bathroom as my brother was just looking at me.

He dug through my hair accessories as he grabbed my red and black flower with a lady skeleton in it. He grabbed the left side hair as he twisted it as he put clipped it in my hair. I smiled as he just smiled as Uncle Chris came in. "you still have to cigs Balz gave you?" "Yeah the I'm on my last pack." My brother said softly. "Does your mom know?" We shrugged. "You share?" I shook my head. "Not till this trip." He nodded as we saw Allie, and Ryan's son Anthony along with Devin and Kylie's daughter Raylie (pronounced Riley) and son Nick come in. "Raylie!!!!!" I squealed as my brother shook his head...

I looked at him as he and Anthony and Nick left; "What was that about?" Raylie asked as I shrugged. "He does that all the time..." I looked at Uncle Chris who shook his head at me. "You don't get it do you." He said as I looked at him. "You ignore him all the time when any one of your friends come over and don't even notice when your brother is hurting." I opened my mouth to say something than I just closed it and Raylie and I left along with Uncle Chris. "Your brothers' are gone let's go." Raylie and I nodded as we got into Uncle Chris's car...Let's hope dinner goes good.

Will this time be diffrent? (Sequel to Ronnie Neice) Slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now