Chapter 15

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Nick, Anthony and I saw Aunt Xandy with our cousins Declan, Oliver, Cole and Raven; Raven loves hanging out with well...they guys she says that we get along better than Andrea and her just because she see's the way that Andrea ignores me because our female cousin or friends around. I just shrug and tell her that it's normal and unless I get hurt I don't mind at all we need our space and when her friends come over is when we get it. I hugged everyone as I looked at Aunt Xandy, "We weren't expecting to see you till tour." I told her as she smiled. "Your cousins wanted to hang for a while." I nodded. "Fine with us we can take them into our hotel room or get a bigger hotel room." They nodded, "Hell yeah we can help pay." I laughed, "Alright than it's settled all of the cousins will share a hotel room. Our aunts and Uncles smiled at us. I talked to them for a while as Uncle Chris my sister and Raylie got here. I told my sister and Raylie the deal as they just smiled at one another...ignored again... I headed back over to my spot as Taylor was the ONLY one out of place. "Dad." She whined as I heard Ricky mumbles, "I hope your brother or sister doesn't turn out like you." "what?" Taylor said as I chuckled.

Dad looked at me as I got quiet as he rolled his eyes at me; "I'm off I'm not hungry." I said as Raven, Cole, along with Oliver and Declan got up as I left. My sister looked at me worried as I gave her a don't worry look. I went out to my car as I sighed finally getting out of that room. Raven looked at me putting her hands on her hips; "What was that?" "I needed to get out Taylor started pissing me off and Ricky was being an ass like usual. I don't even get why my sister and I come here we always fight or sick of one another...I hate it here I just want to leave." I said, "Back to Michigan?" "Hell no." I told them as they looked at me. "Than where." "Anywhere than here and at mom's I just want to go somewhere besides warped tour that I can just be myself without getting the shit beat out of me or getting put in the hospital." All four of them looked at me. "Hospital?" Oliver asked as I nodded. I lifted my shirt as they saw brusing all over my body. "What the hell!" Declan and Raven scream. Cole's eyes just filled with rage.

"What kind of school do you go to?" "A school that loves my sister and hates me." I said as our uncle Chris and Uncle Balz came out. "Hey." I said as I put down my shirt, "What's going on?" "I needed to get out Ricky's an ass and his daughter is whining to much I just wanted to punch both of them." They laughed till they noticed I was serious. "What's going on Max?" "I don't want t be here we always fight no matter what." I said as they nodded. "Let's go eat somewhere else." Uncle Balz suggested as the 8 of us left to a pizza place. "Think you sister's worrying?" Uncle Chris said as I checked my phone with no messages. "No she hasn't texted me yet." He nodded. "So what are you guys going to do next Thursday?" "Go to Fear Factory." I said as Raven squealed. "Hell yes we are!!" I laughed as everyone was smiling and shaking their heads. She shrugged as we finished eating and went back to the hotel then Andrea texted me asking where I was. I just put hotel as I asked if we could switch to a bigger room. They let us have the biggest since I guess Uncle Balz and Uncle Chris were going to help pay.

I got our (Andrea and I's) hotel room gave the guy our key and went into the bigger room as I fell onto the bed still tired as fuck as I looked at the time ti was almost midnight as I sighed. I just laid on the bed till I changed back into the same pajama's as before as I passed out without a care.

Will this time be diffrent? (Sequel to Ronnie Neice) Slow updatesWhere stories live. Discover now