Chapter 2.

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I walked down the hall in line with my team mates. Helmet in one hand, stick in the other.

I let out a sigh of relief. We'd won this game. It'd be determined tomorrow who would win, and go to face Pittsburgh for the cup. They'd just won earlier tonight against Boston.

"Good game." called Captain Nick, once everyone was in the locker room. "Easy game. We'll easily beat them tomorrow." he said with hope.

"Real easy." I muttered under my breath as I took off my jersey and slowly my pads. "I nearly broke my f'ing nose." Due to a high stick, right into my nose.

Pavel, who was standing right next to me talking to Hank leaned over to me and said. "Wimp." with a grin on his face.

"I am not a wimp." I growled at him.

Pavel lightly poked me in the nose. I felt pain radiate from that point up and down my nose. "Ow." I hissed.

"Example." said Pavel as he walked away.

I rolled my eyes at him. I loved him like a brother, but he pissed me off a lot.

I took a quick shower, towel drying my hair the best I could, then slipping on basketball shorts, a Nike shirt, and some well-use trainers. I crookedly parted my hair, then grabbed my bag running down a hallway that led to the team parking lot where Pavel was waiting. He always gave me a ride home.

I barged out the door into the dark night. I saw his big black car in the a close by parking spot and quickly made my way there. I jumped in the passenger seat and threw my bag into the bag.

Once I was settled I looked over Pavel. He was looking back at me. He saw that I was looking and grinned. "Dairy Queen?" he asked.

"You know me too well." I responded, grinning back.

"No bigger than a kids cone." said Pavel.

"You're not my father!" I accused. Before we'd gone in there I had pulled my chin length brown hair back with a head band, and put in a pair of plain earrings in, going for the "tomboy" look.

Every time I went out somewhere, I had to choose who I wanted to be. A guy or a girl. It was fun, but annoying. I wish I could be myself, so, you know, my secret wouldn't get out, if that wasn't obvious already.

"Yeah, but you'd be up running around if you got a large."

I rolled my eyes. "Asshole" I muttered. I pulled out the wad of cash I had earlier stuffed in my pants pocket. "Medium twist cover in chocolate and sprinkles." I asked the teenager at the register.

She nodded, and turned to Pavel asking what he wanted. He ordered the same as me.

"Copy cat." I muttered between coughs.

Pavel rolled his eyes at me. "You are the most childest person I have ever met." he stated.

The girl quickly came back with two towering cones of ice cream. My mouth watered at the sight. I absolutely loved ice cream.

I took one of the cones from her, thanked her, then we headed back to the car.

Pavel and I sat in the car, eating, and discussing Tampa Bay. They were good, but not as good as us. We had hope, but there was a chance we wouldn't make it.

After, he drove me to my small house in Ann Arbor. Now, don't be thinking that because I live there, I'm a U of M fan. Because, I'm not. I grew up a Michigan State fan, and it will always be that way.

"Eight." Pavel reminded me as we pulled into the driveway of my small brick house. It was a dull yellow with black shutters and vines creeping up the sides. It was the house I've always dreamed of. "That's the latest or we'll be late."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, dad."

He gave me a small smile. "And don't forget-" he started to yell. Before he could finish I slammed the car door on him, walking up to my house. I waved good-bye from the porch, and he drove off.

Authors Note: I am the waaalllrrruuussss. LOL, JK. *back to reality* Good or bad? Please review. Thanks for reading. :D

If you haven't noticed, I kinda picked the most random teams. I went with all East Conference teams... yeah.

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