Chapter 3.

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I woke up in the morning to a sound of my door creaking open. I sighed, and opened my eyes. Walking into my room was Pavel. What the hell was he doing here? Why was he walking into my room?! I'm barely dressed!

It suddenly popped into my mind.

"It's 8:01." he said. "Get your ass up or we'll be late." Pavel grinned.

I groan. Just five more minutes?

I hopped out of bed, walking to my bathroom. Pavel leaned up on the wall watching me. I glanced back at him. "Checking me out?" I grinned.

"You know it." he joked. "Now get ready!"

I did as he said and got ready. I put a comb through my messy hair, and brushed my teeth. Then grabbed my favorite pair of basketball shorts and a tee, pulling them on in the bathroom.

Once I was finished I grabbed my bags I'd packed late last night, slinging them over my shoulder and running down the stairs. Once I hit the bottom step, a weight was lifted from my shoulder. I looked back and saw that Pavel had taken my bag.

"I can handle my own bag." I said, rolling my eyes. Whenever I had something to carry he took it from me, carrying it for me.

He ignored me and said. "Go grab your phone and other things, I'll be in the car."

I sighed, and did what he said, heading towards the kitchen to grab my phone and wallet. I never carried a purse because I pretend to be a guy half the time. So, I had a mans wallet.

I ran out the door, locking it on the way out, and ran down the short sidewalk to the driveway where Pavel waited in his car. I jumped into the passenger seat and buckled up.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded. "Ready."

We pulled into the small airport, quickly parking and grabbing our bags. Well, Pavel grabbed my bags as well.

We quickly ran over to a small private plane, handing our bags to a man before we got on.

I took a seat across from Nick Lidstrom and Nick Kronwall, who were discussing Tampa Bay. I listened in on their conversation for awhile, until a wondered where Pavel went. I looked around at the team who lounged around. Half were asleep... but no Pavel.

In the middle of looking, I felt something cold on the back of my neck. It sent chills down my spine. I jumped a little at the feeling, turning around to see who did it.

Pavel grinned down at me. I glared at him, but that didn't affect his mood. He handed me the cold Coke which he had obviously pressed against my skin, then went to go take a seat next to me.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair and rolling my eyes at him. "You're so childish." I muttered, cracking the can open. It gave a large popping sound, which I was happy about. The larger the pop the better to soda.

Pavel ignored my last jab, cracking his soda open as well, and saying. "Cheers!" holding his can out before bringing it to his mouth and taking a long sip.

The plane landed smoothly, and we, the team, all piled out. Outside we stretched, and went over to the huge pile of bags. I noticed Pavel had went over to talk to the one person who was here when we landed, Steve Yzerman. I sighed, and grabbed his bags.

I was so glad I'd chosen to be a guy today. My secret would have been blown.

I'd never really liked that man, he was always on our case about my secret. I had always looked up to him as a kid, but since the first time I met him I haven't liked him.

I walked into the small building off to the side of the runway with the team. I stood next to Hank, while other people sat, I personally didn't want to. I'd just been sitting for about 2 or 3 hours. I think Hank felt the same.

Coach called our attention after a few minutes, telling us about the way we were getting to the hotel. In the middle Pavel walked in, Steve following behind. They quietly walked over and stood by me. Pavel took both his bags and mine off my shoulder quickly. I looked back at him, and he gave me a small crooked smile.

Really!? Did he forget who he was standing next to him?

I looked over at Steve, who was looking at us with an odd expression, but quickly looked away when we made eye contact.

I let that drop, then said. "You do that just to piss me off, don't you?" I whispered, not wanting to interrupt coach.

Pavel nodded. "You know it." he winked.

We were getting there by cab. Four to each car. I ended up getting in with the four closest people around me, who happened to be Pavel, Hank, and Nick Kronwall.

"Shotgun." I called, when we walked up to the cab.

I heard Pavel laugh behind me. "Whatever you'd like, girly."

Once we got to the hotel coach told us we'd be sharing a room with someone else. I immediately looked over to Pavel, who was already looking at me. I raised an eye brow and he nodded.

I smiled at this. I felt like I was back in grade school and our teacher had just announced we could work with partners, and we were agreeing behind her back.

Coach handed us two keys to room 394, floor 7. I smiled at that, then said. "Come on." to Pavel.

We headed up the elevator. It had glass windows that looked over the lobby as we shot up the levels. I hated heights.

I guess Pavel noticed that, probably because I was slightly shaking, so he grabbed my hand. Right away I felt better.

What felt about 10 minutes later we reached the 7th level. The doors dinged, then opened.

I let go of Pavel's hand, in case someone recognised us. Right then all the fear flooded back. I sucked it up, though. I didn't want my secret blown.

"It's win or lose." Coach told us as we stood in the locker room in Florida. "And we are winning!" yelled coach. There was a loud bunch of yells of agreement from the team. "Okay, now get out there!"

We hobbled down the long and skinny hallway to the ice. Butterflies in my stomach the whole way. As I stepped out onto the ice I looked up into the crowd. There was a good mix of red, blue, and white. I took a deep breath and skated off, instead of slowly making my way along the edge as the rest of the team filed out.

1-0 Lightning.

2-1 Lightning

2-2 All.


Lightning wins!

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