Chapter 6.

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Pavel and I made it Up North by 5pm. We should have made it here by 3pm, leaving at 11am, but with what seemed like 20 million stops we didn't.

Pavel pulled into the gravel driveway of a small cottage. The small two story cottage was right on the side of a small ledge that went down to the sandy beach of Lake Charleviox.

I smiled at the home, and jumped out of the car. Pavel slowly walked behind me as we made our way up to the porch.

I lifted the 'welcome' mat up and found the spare key, sticking it into the rusty lock, I unlocked the door and opened the door.

Inside all you could see was darkness. I flipped the nearest light switch on, then walked into the living room, opening the blinds up.

The view was beautiful. It always has been, but it looked better now. Maybe I forgot how great it was? Probably. I hadn't been here in ages.

I turned back to Pavel who stood awkwardly by the door. "Scared?" I asked, amusement in my voice.

He rolled his eyes at me, then walked over to the window looking out. After a minute or so I grabbed his hand, leading him over to the sliding doors that led to the patio. I unlocked the door then walked out. A cool breeze from the lake hit me, and I smiled. I had missed this place so much.

The patio was nothing much, just a grill and canopy swing. Off the edge of the patio it dropped about 15 feet down to the beach. From the edge you could see the hills filled with trees, the beautiful blue lake, and the small road that made it's way along the edge of the lake.

I leaned over the railing and breathed in the amazing smell. I'd missed this so much. You could never get this down in the Motor City.

Pavel came up next to me, leaning over the railing as well, and taking in his surrounding.

After awhile Pavel asked me. "What is this place, exactly?"

I laughed a little. I hadn't told him, I had just given him directions.

"It's my family's cottage." I simply replied.

Pavel nodded. We stood there for awhile more, then went inside.


"All I can find is pancake mix!" I said to Pavel from the kitchen to the living room, which was connected.

"That's totally fine!" replied Pavel, quickly coming into the kitchen. I laughed as he sat down waiting for his pancakes.

I quickly made them, then we went into the living room and ate on the couch while watching the movie Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone.

Pavel called it a kids movie, which pissed me off. It may be something from my childhood but it not for kids only.


"I'm not going home," said Harry, looking up at Hogwarts. "Not really."

A few tears leaked out of my eyes. This part always brought tears to my eyes.

I could see Pavel watching me from the spot my head sat, in the crook of his neck. He was smiling at me, his chest slightly shaking as he laughed at me.


I ran out to the car and grabbed our bags, then ran back inside. I made my way up the small wooden stairs, into my old room. There was only three rooms upstairs. Mine, my parents, and the bathroom.

I opened the door and slid in, putting the bags on the ground. I looked up to see Pavel looking at all of the photos that hung on the walls.

I walked over to him and looked at the photo he was looking at. It was my 17th birthday. My friends and I stood in my driveway, all laughing at something.

I missed those days. The days where I had many friends. Now I don't. I can't. I had to leave them to get the job I've dreamed of. Sometimes I wonder if it was the right choice. I'm still not very sure.

Pavel moved around looking at all of the photos, finally coming to the one on the bedside table. My stomach lurched when I saw what it was.

In the photo was a man with a crooked smile, dark hair that was wet down, and dark eyes that sparkled almost all the time. Next to him stood a teenaged girl with frizzy, brown hair, plain green and blue eyes that were covered by glasses, and crooked teeth that were being straightened by ugly braces.

Pavel started laughing at it. My cheeks automatically turned bright red. I tried to snatch it away from him, but failed.

Between laughter Pavel asked. "Can I have a copy of this?"


I woke up the next morning on something that felt much comfier than what I had fallen asleep on.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my bed, not on the couch.

I slowly got up, making my way downstairs. In the living room someone who was too big was lying on the couch. Well, partly. Half of him hung off.

I slowly crept up to Pavel, and bent down, putting my mouth to his ear. "Wake up!" I yelled.

Pavel jumped in fright, falling right into me, making me fall over. I groaned as two-hundred pounds hit me.

Pavel rolled off of me, quickly then said. "Are you okay?" I nodded, then he finished. "Are you crazy!? Why'd you have to wake me up like that?! I was having the best dream about-" but Pavel stopped himself, looking at me with an expression that read. Oh shit.

"About...?" I asked.

"N-nothing." he stuttered, getting up. I then noticed what he was wearing. Just a simple pair of shorts. Nothing else.

I tried not to stare as he stretched out, but I couldn't help it. I know I shouldn't be thinking like this... but, damn.

"Checking me out?" Pavel smirked, disrupting my train of thoughts.

I blushed. "N-no." I stuttered.

"Sure." he grinned. "You wanna take a shower first, or can I?"

"Go ahead." I responded.

Authors Note: Short. Filler chapter. Blaah. :p Well, thanks for reading! 

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