Chapter 16.

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After a few moments, but what felt like forever, I heard someone coming onto the bus. I stopped crying, hoping they wouldn't spot me. But it was too late.

"Sam...?" I heard someone say. I heard feet pounding towards me on the bus. They stopped right in front of me, and I looked up.

"Sam, whats wrong? They saw you, didn't they?! Holy shit!" Niklas Kronwall asked. Before I could answer, more feet came pounding down the bus. The fifth one to come was Hank. He saw me, and quickly ran off the bus.

More than half the team was surrounding me now, all asking questions and such, but I blocked them out, and looked out the window. Out there I saw Nick Lidstrom yelling at the damn paparazzi that caught me. I couldn't watch that, so I turned around, looking at everyone about to tell them to back off.

But, I didn't. Pavel came running up to me, out of breath from running full speed from the locker room. Everyone moved out of his way, and he walked up to my seat, but he didn't face me.

Pavel told everyone to back off and go to their own seats, which they did with hesitation.

Then, even though we hadn't been speaking for the past few days, he picked me up in his arms as if I was light as a feather, before sitting down, cradling me like a little baby. I felt like a idiot, but I didn't ask him to stop, because I couldn't stop crying... which made me feel like a bigger idiot.

"It's fine." he lied over and over in a comforting tone. "Everything will be fine." Pavel repeated.

Fine? No. My whole life was practically ruined due to my stupidity. The NHL wasn't going to like what I did. I was going to be fired for sure. I'd probably have much more stuff happen because of this... then, what do I do after? This was my only way of making money. I'd have to go back to college. I didn't finish up. I'd then get a crappy job making no where near enough. Plus, I'd lose my friends. The guys wouldn't have time for me in their busy schedules. I'd be lucky to get a text. And after awhile they'd probably forget about me... I'd be left alone with only my father as someone to talk to. I'd left my friends, not telling them anything when I left for this job. They'd probably put it together already, what I was doing. Noah, my best guy friend, was my hockey friend. We watched hockey any night it was on. We didn't care what team. By now he would have noticed someone on our favorite team, the Wings, named Sam Swift. He would have made the connection quickly, the number, the age, and ect. He would have told Kate too, my best girl friend.... I knew they wouldn't accept me back. Well, they might. They'd understand, I think. They'd be mad at me for not telling them, but they'd get over it. But how do I find them? I didn't have connections with anyone from my past.

I sniffed, trying to stop crying as Pavel kept murmuring his "comforting" words that meant nothing.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm s-so sorry! You were r-right." I sniffed out.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you. I shouldn't have been like that... and I should have said sorry right after that." he responded.

I shook my head, burring it in his muscular chest, crying some more. I tried to stop, but it made me want to cry harder.

I'd always hated crying. It made me feel girly and weak.

Only when I looked out the window did I notice that it had stopped raining, we were moving, and that it was dark out. I sniffed, pulling my phone out. I could feel Pavel watching me but I went on. I check the time, 10:21. Really? That much time had passed?

The I check my text messages. There was at least twenty from the team mates.... about 5 were from Hank, though. I checked those first.

Sam, I should have warned you or something. I could have prevented this from happening.

I'm so sorry.

Everything is going to be alright.

Don't worry, you can get through this... mess.

I guess the team knows you guys are a couple now... it's all they're talking about up here... and the other thing.

Pavel obviously read the texts over my shoulder or something, because he said. "Yeah... guess everyone knows now." and he leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

I blushed a little bit, something I always did when he kissed me, and the butterflies flew throughout me.

The rest of the ride I slept. I had a nightmare that my secret was blown, only to wake up and find it was real.

When the bus arrived at the Joe, I slowly got up, grabbing my bags from up top. But before I could carry them to the car, Pavel took them from me, something he has always done and something that has always bugged me. He led the way to the car that was only 10 yards from the great bus. Outside the bus a few guys stopped me to give me hugs, like Hank and Nick.

After hugging Hank, Nick came up to me, hugging me. "Everything will be fine, I promise. And if don't trust me..."

I butted in. "Of course I trust the Perfect Human." I teased lightly.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Alright." he said. "And, if you could, I was hoping you could stop by my house for a few minutes in the next few days."

I nodded, and Nick smiled. "Okay. See ya, girly. We love you."

Authors Note: Hey guys! Sorry, I have'n't updated in a few weeks. >.< Playoffs... ugh. Don't get me started.

Well... this chappy. How do I explain?... the way I imagined it, it was so emotional. I just can't quite get it into writing perfectly... so I hope you imagined it like I hope you did.

Thanks for reading!

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