Chapter 4.

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As Pavel and I walking into the hotel room I slammed the door shut, not caring if I made someone mad. I was pissed.

We'd come so far... and we'd just lost.

I angrily sat down in the chair, pulling out my iPod and jamming the ear buds in my ears and cranking my music up to the max. I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them, then watched Pavel stretch out on the couch. For what had just happened, he was extremely calm.

In a split second I got up, grabbing a pillows from the queen sized bed, I took three big steps towards Pavel, then whacked him hard across his stomach with the pillow.

He was shocked at first, but then realized what happened and who did it, then said. "Taking out your anger on me?" with a smirk on his face. "You shouldn't. I fight back."

Pavel got up from the couch, walking over to the bed and picking up one of the pillows, then slowly turned around.

We kept eye contact for at least one minute, until he said. "Go!"

We both smacked each other right away. I got Pavel in the side, while he went for my head but I dodged it. He went for my head again, and once again, he missed. I then went for his head, hitting him. He really was an easy opponent.

Pavel caught me off guard, going for my legs, getting me. I fell right onto the bed. Before I could get up he lunged at me, the pillows hit me first, then he fell right onto me.

I let out a groan. He weighed almost 200 pounds, and he'd just fallen on me.

He quickly rolled off me, and asked. "Are you okay?" A smiled hid behind his concerned face.

"I'm fine." I responded.

Once I said those words he started laughing. "You're...face...was...hilarious!" he choked out between laughs. "And I fell on you!"

I rolled my eyes, and smiled a little. I guess it was a little funny.... okay, what's not funny about it?

The bigger my smile got, the better, less angry, I felt.

"You're smiling!" said Pavel.

I let out a little laugh. "I guess I am." I said, flopping back onto the bed from my sitting position. I let out a yawn. What time is it?

As if he was reading my mind, Pavel said. "It's almost midnight. Let's call it a night."


Pavel parked in my driveway and we both hopped out. I went to go grab my bag, but, of course being Pavel he grabbed my bags for me. I sighed, and we trudged up to my house.

I unlocked the front door, letting Pavel in, then myself, closing the door after me.

Pavel deposited my bags by the bottom of the stairs as I headed into the kitchen. I picked up my home phone, checking to see if there was any messages. Of course there were, so I typed in the number, and waited until it told me my missed calls. The first one was Pavel calling telling me to get my ass up and that he'd called my cell at least 10 times. The second and third were advertisements.

I deleted those. I watched Pavel walk into the kitchen, he started to say something, but then realized I was on the phone and quieted down. He took a seat at the bar stool, picking at the chips in the bag I left out. I watched him as I listened to the fourth. The fourth one was my dads cell phone. But, when I listened to the message... it wasn't his voice.

...Saturday June 2nd John and Carol Swift were in a car crash....

The voice told me. I took a deep breath, hoping the man wouldn't say the worst. ...Sadly, Carol passed away quickly after. John, however, is at St. Mary's Hospital....

I felt like I'd been stabbed in the heart. I stood there, shocked. Not even listening to the end of the message. My mouth hung slightly open, and I dropped the phone.

Pavel noticed the crash, and saw me. He quickly came over, wrapping his arms around me. When he did I felt much better... but I still felt like I was being stabbed over and over in the heart.

Pavel slowly led me over to the couch in the living room. Once we reached it I crashed onto it, bringing Pavel down with me.

He wrapped his arms around me as I cried. His shirt was probably soaking wet from my tears, because my head was on his shoulder.

It was probably an hour later once I'd sat up. I had honestly no clue what I was doing.

My mom had just passed away, and my dad was in the hospital, yes, but they wouldn't want me crying over them. They'd always said that when I was growing up.

Though, I couldn't help but be sad.

I wiped the tears from my face, and looked at Pavel. He was watching me with an expression that I couldn't tell. And, as I thought, there was a large wet spot on his shoulder.

"Sorry." I sniffed, pointing to his shirt. I got up, straightening my shirt out and wiping a few stray tears away.

Pavel shrugged, getting up as well. He took a step towards me, wrapping his arms around me and giving me one of the hugs that you want to last forever, and he whispered in my ear. "Tell me what happened when you're ready."

I nodded. "I-I want some pancakes." I stuttered. "How about you?"

"Sounds good." Pavel lightly said. We took of towards the kitchen.

I had no clue why I was making pancakes. They weren't even my favorite, but I need a distraction.

"Wait-" said Pavel when I went to get the mix out. "I want to make them."

The corners of my mouth twitched up. "You'd burn down my house. I don't think so."


I stacked four sizzling pancakes on a plate and three on another, handing one to Pavel. Instead of him waiting for me to hand him a fork and knife, he dug in with his hands. They corners of my mouth twitched up into a small smile.

I dug around in the drawer for a second, looking for the right utensil, finally finding a fork and handing it to him. Instead of taking it to finish the second pancake, because he was already done with the first, he kept on eating with his fingers.

I sighed as I cut up my own pancakes, smiling to myself.








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