Puppets (Percy Jackson AU)

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Please do NOT look at any comments until you are finished the whole book, because you will be spoiled.

That being said, DO NOT spoil people or comment the character's real identities.

Because it won't load if I don't post this.



Puppets (Percy Jackson AU)

Welcome to Olympus Academy, where popularity is the only thing that matters, and no one knows they're puppets until it's too late.

Piper McLean is the school's most popular badass. Until, of course, Thalia Grace comes along. When the two start a competition to see who's the best, more and more students get involved until it's a five way war between the coolest girls in school. Whoever can complete all the tasks wins the total and utter honour of the school. Of course, it complicates things when Piper falls for Thalia's little brother Jason...

Rachel Elizabeth Dare strives for popularity. As a social outcast, she decides that the only way she can be popular is to take down the girls in the competition she isn't even part of. But when it comes to taking down Annabeth Chase, Rachel can't. Rachel's longtime crush, Percy Jackson, is dating Annabeth- and if Annabeth goes down, Percy goes down too.

Hazel Levesque is jealous. All she wants is a family, and the hot-shot new girl of a half sister is making that hard. When Bianca Di Angelo ditches Nico for the competition, an elite archery club and Zoë Nightshade's friendship, all Hazel wants is to at least have Nico as a little brother. So when Rachel decides to recruit her, Hazel can't find any reason to say no- except for the fact that it would jeopardize her relationship with Frank Zhang.

Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano is living the life. She's got it all- being in a dorm with her best friends, A+'s in all her classes and having the biggest shot at winning the competition. But when Piper McLean steals her longtime crush Jason Grace away, Reyna decides it's time to play dirty- but then she discovers what Rachel and her crew are up to. It's either stopping Rachel and possibly saving lives, or winning the competition of her dreams.


She's the one behind the scenes. She orchestrated the whole thing- Piper and Thalia's war, Rachel's hatred, Hazel's jealousy, Bianca's decisions- everything. Although they don't know it, she is the winner of the whole thing already. There's no way they could ever figure out who she is until she reveals herself. She calls herself L, and she is the controller. She is the master, and those students? Piper, Thalia, Jason, Rachel, Annabeth, Percy, all them? They are her puppets.



I'd like to think it started with Piper McLean's second year at Olympus Academy, but it didn't. Well, that was a small factor, but it was really all my fault.

Of course, my plan was flawless, a five way war between the most popular girls in school. They were all part of my plan: Piper McLean, the popular, snarky bad girl. Thalia Grace, the punk-rock tough one. Bianca Di Angelo, the perfect, pretty archer. Annabeth Chase, the resident genius and school council president. Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano, the strong, smart, commanding one. Even the ones like Percy, Jason, Frank, Hazel and Rachel had a role.

It's my revenge. They forgot about me. But I'm coming back now, with a whole new arsenal of hurt. Bloodshed is inevitable. Death will strike. It started as an innocent competition, but now it's a lethal war.

They don't realize I am the winner. Their competition is pointless, just the preparation for death. I am the true winner. I am the controller. They are the marionettes. The ones like Frank, Rachel, Nico, Annabeth, Piper, Percy- they are my puppets.

And soon their strings will be snapped.

Right, so this is a Percy Jackson boarding school AU. Rated PG 13 for violence and language. Read at your own risk.

Please don't give me crap like, "That's not how the characters act." One, this is my story, and my decisions. Two, remember that they wouldn't be raised the same as it is an AU.

#thatawkwardmomentwhen the summary can't fit in the Wattpad description box but the prologue is literally not even five paragraphs.

I hope you enjoy it! ~

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