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  • Dedicated to Everyone who helped and supported me <3

Right. So, Ante has been dealt with at the moment, but I have no doubt he'll be back.

Thank you so much for all the support you gave me, ily.


It was all too much for Reyna.

First, Hylla coming back. Her sister was now an 'assistant' of Mrs. Bellona. It was her 'placement', apparently. More like Hylla just wanted to mock Reyna.

Second, the deaths. She was so unprepared for anything major. Bianca had been so sweet. Zoë... not as much, but Reyna was always taught never to speak ill of the dead.

Third, the note. Reyna was absolutely positive she was next in line, because this creepy note this shady L character had given her.


You're falling, sweetheart. And blondie's never going to catch you. But you're approaching your crossroads. Perhaps you can catch yourself before your love affects this huge decision.

Have fun, sugarcake. You saw my example of Bianca and Zoë didn't you? Don't mess up, darling. You could end up just like them. I'm almost certain they're down below.

Congratulations, hon. It's your turn.

-L xx

Reyna had received it the day after the emergency assembly. Classes had been canceled as they flew the families in for the funeral. But Piper had called an emergency meeting of her own.

Reyna walked towards Piper's dorm. She hesitated slightly at the door. When she walked in, she would see three girls, not four. When she joined them, she'd see four, not five. They'd be missing an archer, a quirky Italian sweetheart, Bianca.

She pushed open the door and exhaled, casting her gaze on Piper, then Thalia, then Annabeth. Piper looked battered and exhausted, her hair sticking up everywhere, bags under her eyes. Thalia was pallid, keeping her blue gaze set on her shoes. Annabeth looked as though she was about to jump out the window, tired and forlorn.

"That's all of us," Annabeth noted quietly as Reyna sat down. Her heart skipped a beat.

"Okay, guys, here's the thing. Remember the very first letter we got from L?" Piper asked, pausing.

"Oh, the one that predicted our impending doom? Hmmm, I don't know, I think that one is pretty clear." Reyna snapped, coming apart.

"Reyna..." Piper seemed at a loss for words, burying her head in her hands. There was almost silence, except Thalia's tapping foot and Annabeth's mumbling.

With a jolt, Reyna realized what Annabeth was saying. 'Annabeth, babe, don't deny what you're planning to do.' She was repeating L's first words to her.

"That's it!" Reyna shrieked, standing up. She snatched a paper off of Piper's desk, taking a pen also. "Planning to do," she mumbled, a psychotic half smile lighting up her face.

She scribbled some analyzations down, and a diagram. After a few minutes, her head shot up. She looked at the other three. "Which one of you does Rachel Elizabeth Dare hate the most?"

Annabeth and Piper exchanged a glance. "Me," Annabeth said.

Reyna wrote something down. "What about Miranda Gardner?"

"Either me or Annabeth." Thalia spoke for once.

Reyna scribbled something else down. "Drew Tanaka?"

"Moi." Piper said.

Reyna continued like that for Hazel Levesque (No one really knew) and Lacy Lovell (Reyna herself). She kept writing. "Thalia... unless..." she mumbled.

She pocketed the paper, straightening up and sitting back down.

"You're not telling us?" Thalia asked incredulously.

"Once I'm done. Another time. What were you saying, Piper?" Reyna wanted to keep her theories and analyzations to herself until she could study them alone.

"The first note L sent. She said, 'Bianca, doll, don't avoid your death.' Bianca was the first on the list," Piper paused. "I think she's going in order. One down, four to go."

Reyna froze. Her thoughts collided and stopped. The others glanced at her, concerned, wanting to know what was happening.

"Piper, Thalia, Reyna, Annabeth, Bianca," Reyna recited feverishly. "Everything is planned out, from this very moment to six months from now. Bianca, doll, don't avoid your death. Reyna, honey, try not to ignore your feelings later on, it'll be obvious. Thalia, sweetheart, keep fooling around, maybe no one will notice what's under your bed. Annabeth, babe, don't deny what you're planning to do. Piper, love, don't try to maintain that tough girl look, you're going to crack. Have fun, sugarcakes. You're playing with fire, darling. L, xx."

She looked at all of them in turn. "Bianca, Reyna, Thalia, Annabeth, Piper. I'm next."

Later, back in her dorm, Reyna knew L was right about one thing. She had a decision to make, and either result wouldn't be pretty.

Over the past few days, Reyna's spying had ceased because of her sister's appearance. But she knew enough.

It had been Rachel who had killed Bianca and Zoë. Accidentally, of course- she had only meant to scare them out of the competition. It was originally Bianca and Thalia, but Thalia had never shown. Reyna was still working out why Rachel would ever think Thalia would be there.

Now, Reyna could confront Rachel, and stop her, and sell her out to the teachers.

Or, Reyna could join her and win the competition by wrecking the others. Wasn't that Rachel's plan?

The rational thing, of course, would be to stop Rachel. But at that moment, Reyna was done with rationality. It was simply something that could make her hesitate for a moment.

She grabbed a sheet of paper and began to write.


To join or not to join? That is the question.

Advice needed.


Reyna knew she was taking a major chance by writing to the girl who wanted to kill her. But she also had a plan to catch L, and she would need some science equipment and a very smart someone.

Immediately, Annabeth popped up in her mind. She shook the image away. She'd talk to Annabeth later, and Piper, possibly, for the equipment.

She taped the blank envelope to the door, writing 'For a certain person' on it. If L was stalking like she normally did, she'd know.

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