Chapter Twenty-nine

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|Chapter 29|

- Devyn

I wiped last night's make up off of my face and looked in the mirror. My face was tear-streaked due to the tears that I shed in my sleep.

"Am I ugly SiSi?" I asked Sianna as she looked at me while sitting on the bathroom counter.

Kyrie told me not to believe the girl but I can't help but to think what if.... If she's pregnant then I'm automatically replaced. I will no longer be first in his heart and there will always be a connection between them.


Kyrie just always has some shit going on. I guess this is what my dad always told me about... About black boys from the hood. They may have the same skin color as me but never the same mindset. But I see Kyrie as something so much more then just a boy from the hood.

I quickly took a shower and then made my way downstairs.

"Hey Ms. Kayla," I said.

"Hey baby... I was up last night when everything went down. Are you good?" She asked. I nodded.

"I told you I don't cover up for my kid and I truly believe that if Kyrie got that girl pregnant, he would've at least took it in consideration. That girl is probably lying," she spoke truthfully.

"Well out of all people, why would she pick on us to mess with?" I stressed as I grabbed a banana.

Ms. Kayla shrugged.


- Hannah

I looked at KiKi and Fanny as they told me what went down in the salon yesterday.

"Wow. Y'all should've beat her ass," I said as I stressed.

Ever since I've been working for and fucking Pharaoh, there's been so much drama in my life. I fell in love with the wrong bastard and I'd jump to do anything for him.

Now I'm pregnant with his child and he doesn't want to take responsibility. He told me to pin it on Kyrie. That's why I started fucking with Kyrie. All so I could pin it on him. But Kyrie knows for a fact that it's not his. I might just end up aborting the baby because I don't want to raise a kid up fatherless. Especially with the business that I'm working with. This gang is something serious and I want to get out. But the only way to get out is to die.

You live by the Phaze and you die by the Phaze.

"HANNAH!" KiKi screamed in my face. I got lost in my thoughts.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"What are you going to do? That bitch Devyn is in the way," she said.

"Not for long. You know she has to leave to go to college and she's yet to tell Kyrie. I'll make it my business to force her to tell him," I said.

"How?" Fanny asked.

"Don't worry about that. Shit's going slow right now but I'll have everything settled by y'alls graduation in just a month or so," I said.

"Give me a minute," I said.

I called Pharaoh and walked to my kitchen.

"PH681clack," I called out my code.

"Wassup Hannah," Pharaoh sounded stressed.

"He knows that it's not his. He swore up and down it isn't," I told him.

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