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"Are they always like this?" You asked as you sipped a (fav. milkshake flavor) milkshake, sitting between Guldo and Recoome as you three watched Jeice and Burter practice some attack moves. You and Recoome had just finished a good spar, your damaged armor and ripped jumpsuit would say otherwise. You were craving a milkshake, you insisted Guldo and Recoome to go with you to get one and here you are now, sipping your favorite milkshake in content.

Recoome nodded, "Yes, they practice their techniques over and over till it is perfect. One flaw in the move and it could potentially ruin everything."

"That's amazing!" You shouted. Jeice looked over at you three, his attention from Burter was gone as he saw that you guys had gotten milkshakes.

"Hey! I want a milks–ooof!" He was suddenly cut off when Burter slammed into him, throwing Jeice onto the wall for the fifth time in ten minutes.

You cringed at how hard he hit the wall, "That one's gotta leave a mark."

"Dammit, Jeice! You were distracted!" Burter shouted at his partner who slowly slid down the wall onto the floor. He slowly stood up in pain. "You don't have an excuse this time."

"Shit," Jeice muttered to himself, ignoring the pain in his leg. He quickly jumped in front of Burter. "Let's try that one again."

"If you mess it up one more time, I swear I'm gonna k–"

"Alright, alright!" Jeice rolled his eyes.

"They always seem to be bickering." You observed.

"Don't let that fool you, though them always seem to be arguing, they are really close friends." Recoome said.

You three watched in silence as they practiced their special ki attacks, and you were in awe at how well they worked together. It was so mesmerizing—they way they ran in sync, their afterimage blurs of red and blue, making a beautiful hue of purple, the way they gracefully spun and flipped in the air, it was so.. amazing.

"Burter, Jeice!" My attention turned to Ginyu who had walked in the training room. His eyes scanned the room, landing on us. "Guldo, (Y/N), and Recoome."

"What's up, Cap'n?" Jeice breathed, his palms rested on his knees and he panted lightly. He glistened in the light as his skin was covered with a thin layer of sweat. It trickled down his neck, down his chiseled chest, down his abs—ridge for ridge as it lowered dangerously low, down his v-line and int–


You blinked rapidly, shaking your head as your rid of your ridiculous thoughts. Why the hell were you staring at Jeice's beautiful bod–No! No, no, no!

You stood up abruptly, "Yeah Captain, what's up?" You hastily walked up to him, clenching the glass of milkshake in your hand rather rightly. You were aware of the others staring at your back but you ignored them.

Ginyu raised a curious eyebrow your way before he mentioned for everyone to gather around him.

"Lord Frieza has assigned a mission," Ginyu cracked a smile when his group cheered. They were in desperate need of a mission, they haven't had a chance to dirty their hands in a month and this mission was enough to make them ecstatic. When it was quiet, he spoke again. "He ordered that we go to Planet Diake and wipe out all it's inhabitants."

"Nice! But the real question here is, how high are their power levels?" Burter asked. The others nodded.

"Lord Frieza has estimated that the inhabitants highest power level is 20,000."

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