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"What do you mean she's injured?! She can't be hurt!" Jeice's worried voice rang out through her scouter. Burter shifted his hold on (Y/N)'s body, she was still conscious but in a lot of pain. (Y/N) had suspected that it wasn't any ordinary dagger that the alien had, as she wouldn't be bleeding as much as she currently was. Still, I shouldn't have let my guard down like that.. Fuck, Captain Ginyu is gonna be so mad at me. (Y/N) rested her head on her teammate's shoulder, listening to the conversation.

"She's hurt, Jeice. I'll explain later, are you all where the pods are?" Burter hissed out.

"Obviously we're at the pods! We agreed to meet back here, didn't we?" Jeice shot back. (Y/N) wondered why Jeice sounded so cranky but before she could dwell on it she felt Burters grip on her tighten. "Why you—just wait till get my hands on you, you stupid little —"

"Would you two stop acting like monkeys already?!" Ginyu's voice cut through, silencing Burter. Said man quickly realized how he was holding (Y/N) and relaxed, murmuring an apology without realizing. (Y/N) blinked. Weird... "Jeice, go cool off somewhere else. Burter, we're at the pods. Come quickly, I'll take care of (Y/N)."

Well, at least Ginyu didn't sound mad...

(Y/N) continued to lay in Burter's arms, mind starting to wonder elsewhere while the others still continued to communicate. Her hair blew around from the wind, smacking her cheeks and probably Burter's face as well, but in (Y/N) mind, he deserved it.

A few minutes passed and (Y/N) started to feel a bit dizzy. Burter noticed, if her head slowly lolling around was anything to go by. Before he could ask what was wrong though, (Y/N) cried out in pain.

"(Y/N)?! What's wrong?!" Burter asked, faltering slightly as he felt (Y/N)'s body start to go limp. "No! No, you are not gonna pull this shit on me, (Y/N)!" He warned, holding on to her body tighter as he flew as fast as he could. "Fucking stay with me, (Y/N), I swear.. If you fucking pass out on me, I swear—"

"Burter, shut the hell up and hurry up!" Jeice yelled through the scouter.

(Y/N) blinked again and again, trying to rid herself of the black spots that were slowly starting to cloud her vision. Before she could doze off though, another sharp pain coursed through her wound, another cry of pain escaping her lips.


"Jeice, you need to calm down."

Jeice huffed, tugging his hair before facing the Captain, "That's the thing! I can't, and I don't know why!" He exasperatedly said, cursing (Y/N) in his head. "I know she's gonna be alright, but all these nagging possibilities are making me paranoid."

"You're overrating, the wound can't be that bad..." Guldo trailed off unsurely, glancing at his teammate before looking over at Ginyu, who looked to be in deep thought.

"Lord Frieza had professionals redesign our armor," Ginyu spoke up a second later, looking down at his chest plate before looking back Jeice and Guldo. "If I do remember correctly, he mentioned it was specially made to block off different types of attacks, and how it shouldn't be easy to break as a normal chest plate should be for a normal class elite."

"So what you're telling me is, (Y/N) got wrong armor?" Guldo questioned dumbly.

Jeice looked over at his teammate, whacking him in the back of the head, "No, you idiot!" He yelled. Guldo blinked, frowning. "It means that that dagger, or whatever the hell that stupid man had, went through (Y/N)'s armor like nothing. Obviously it isn't an ordinary dagger."

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