Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Ryan’s POV

            I hated myself for falling for her so easily, what kind of person was I. I let this poor girl, who I was rapidly falling in love with; remain down in that hell hole under the power of Malachi. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible, but no matter what I did she just pushed me away. I knew I couldn’t blame her though, it just hurt me inside. I was glad though that Malachi finally agreed to letting her take a shower, it was something she wanted more than anything, besides getting out of here; at least I could fight to give her that.

            In the past few days, sense Malachi got Anika, he’s grown rather close to Bria and Sarah, his second edition. Randomly he would allow them to come upstairs to watch an hour of TV with him or bring down a board game to play with them. I was glad he finally let them do something besides sit in there rooms all day; I don’t know how they have handled it for so long.

            Unfortunately, he beat Lauren up again, and this time it was worse than previous times. She had a huge bruise across her cheek and a sprained wrist; he even ripped a chunk of hair out of her head. I tried asking him what she had done but he just told me to fuck off, and when I spoke to her she just sat rocking back and forth claiming she had done absolutely nothing and he just came in and attacked her.

            I’ve feared for Lauren sense day one, seeing as she was a prostitute when we found her. Malachi hates girls who have that "profession", but he fell in love with her beauty. Every single week he would injure her in a way, but lately it’s seemed to get worse. The last thing I want is for it to go too far, not only for Lauren’s sake, but for the sake of the girl he’d make me take to replace her.

            I walked down to Anika’s room, passing the others doors on the way. Bria and Sarah were upstairs with Malachi and I could hear Lauren sobbing from her room. The feeling of not being able to do anything for her really pissed me off. Malachi didn’t deserve to have this kind of power, this kind of control, he’s been doing this for ten years as far as I know and has never been caught, and that’s just not fair.

            I knocked on Anika’s door and then walked in, jumping as she ran up to me noticing the clothes in my hand.

            “Is it time?” She questioned, jumping up and down, making it hard for me not to stare. I laughed a little then pointed to the bed, and led her over for us to sit. She frowned at first but I gave a reassuring smile and then began to speak.

            “There are some rules I need you to hear first, especially sense Malachi is upstairs with the others.” I paused as she looked confused and then continued on anyways.

            “First off, no running, at all. If you run, you won’t escape, you will only harm yourself. I’m not just saying this because I’m told to; I’m saying this because I’ve seen what happens when the girls do. Second, you leave the door to the bathroom cracked, I won’t peak but this is the only way Malachi will allow for you guys to take showers.”

            She nodded at me but then creased her eyebrows and began to speak.

            “How do the neighbors not see anything, how are they so oblivious?”

            “He closes the blinds.” I said “And the whole house is sound proof, it doesn’t seem like a very locked down situation but he’s never been caught.” She looked down at the hair hanging over her shoulders and then stared deeply into my eyes.

            “Can we please go now; I’ll follow the rules, promise.” I loved when she smiled at me, and how cute she looked when she grew frustrated but at the same time I was disgusted by myself. How could I feel this way about a girl who was being held against her will?

            We started walking out the door, with me holding onto her arm, but then she abruptly stopped.

            “You know my mom is going to find me right, he won’t get away with this.”

I smiled slightly at her, trying not to take that hope away from her. It’s all she really has; it’s all any of them has.

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