Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Anika’s POV

            Ryan took me up for my shower, and what I saw when we got up the stairs made me want to run right back down them and hide. Malachi, Bria and Sarah were all sitting on a sofa watching an episode of Law & Order, go figure. Malachi sat in between them with his arm around Sarah and his hand on Bria’s leg. And she just let him! She didn’t even blink when he rubbed his hand up and down; just stared straight ahead at the TV. What the hell is her problem; doesn’t she get how wrong this is?

            Ryan noticed my hesitation and pulled my arm slightly; I then shot my head in his direction and just stared him down. He gave me a worried yet pissed off expression and pulled me by my arm to the bathroom.

            “You can let me go Ryan.” I whispered as we walked are way down the hall to the bathroom.

            “No I can’t.” he said still pulling me along. I sighed loudly which frustrated him, making him yell at me to shut up. I didn’t like when he got mad, he was the nice one.

            I didn’t get to shower for long, especially sense I felt rushed with him sitting right outside the room. I scrubbed my hair with the cheap shampoo so hard into my hair that my scalp burned. There was a flimsy, torn up rag sitting folded up on the edge of the tub and I used that and the bar of soap to scrub my skin, I scrubbed as hard as I could until my skin turned red. After all, I didn’t know when I would get to shower again. I heard a light tap on the door and knew that meant I had to wrap it up soon so I just let the steaming hot water poor down my body for another minute, a minute that I made seem to last forever. I climbed out of the tub, devastated that it was over and began drying my body and hair off with the thin towel left out for me. I held onto the clean clothes for a good minute or so, grateful for something clean to put on; I felt so disgusting and wrong just sitting in my own filth. Finally when I came out of the bathroom, Ryan was just staring at me from down below as he sat on the floor against the wall. I looked at him with a disordered expression and then waited for him to get up, sighing in deeply as I did so. Even once he stood up, he still continued to stair, looking at nothing else but me. My frustration grew quickly and I slammed my arms against my sides.

            “Can I help you? Is there something on my face?” I questioned with him not saying a word.

            “Jesus Christ, take a picture it’ll last longer.” I said sarcastically, but just as I was doing so Malachi came around the corner.

            “I would love to.” He said with that disgusting perverted smile plastered across his face. I shifted my body behind Ryan’s; somewhat hoping he would protect me.

            “Aw what is this, are you scared of me Anika?” Malachi said as he moved closer, I think he got off on my fear. I felt Ryan’s hands start to tremble which scared me even more but then I did something that even surprised myself.

            “No actually.” I said stepping out from behind Ryan “I’m not scared of you at all, I mean, what’s to be scared of?” I said raising my eyebrow quixotically. He started hackling in a disgusting laugh and then started waving his finger at Ryan.

            “I like this one son, I really do. I just know she’ll be tons of fun.” He said as he shook his head in amusement.

            “Sure dad.” Ryan said, staring back at me with a shocked expression “May I take her back downstairs now?”

            “Aw but son, don’t you want to have some fun?” He asked walking closer to us. Ryan’s lips started to move as if he was going to say something, but no words were coming out. Again, I surprised myself.

            “The most fun you’ll ever have with me will be the day your ass goes to jail.” I proclaimed with a cocky smile on my face.

            “Is that so?” He asked moving even closer to us; to the point where I could feel his breath on mine. I grunted at him which made his enjoyment rise even more and then out of nowhere his hand slammed into my face. I fell to the floor, holding onto my mouth, feeling the worm sticky blood form on my fingers. I couldn’t really focus on much of anything besides the whispers between Malachi and Ryan and once I started regaining consciousness I heard Ryan begging for me.

            “Please Malachi, she’s new to this, she’s scared. Think about what you would do if you were her.”

            “Don’t give me that Ryan, she’s a b*tch, a rude disrespectful b*tch.”

            “I understand Malachi, but even you yourself said you like her, just let me take her back downstairs and clean her up. I promise she won’t act this way anymore.” With that Malachi cussed every word known to man and then waved at Ryan cueing him to get me out of his face. He helped me up and we moved down the stairs quickly with me running to the sink in my room. When I released my hand, the blood started pouring out and into the sink. That dark red pool of blood forming in the white ceramic sink was the last thing I saw before things went black.

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