Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Ryan’s POV

            I slammed on the door until my hands hurt, and then my body gave out and I fell to the floor. There was nothing I could do, I had ruined her life. I had let him win, again. I started falling into a depressive state when I heard Anika scream as loud as I ever have, and then, as many people say, the light bulb went off in my head. I jumped up of the floor, standing strong on my two feet, running quicker than I ever have. I ran up the stairs, taking two at a time and slammed threw the basement door falling to the ground along with it. After regaining my footing I stared straight ahead at the living room door, the one I had not yet been through. I walked quickly and placed my hand on the knob, turning it slowly. Once the door opened, the adrenaline stormed back through me and I ran outside screaming help at the top of my lungs. I ran into the street screaming even louder, running from house to house banging on the doors. An old couple answered theirs and all I said to them was to call 911 and then I ran back out into the street, trying to draw the attention of the neighborhood as quickly as I could. Several families came out and many of the males of the households ran to me asking what was happening. I told them everything as fast as I could and they all ran to the house like predators ready to catch their pray. Just as many of the women came to comfort me, I fell to my knees and then heard a car slamming on its brakes.

            I looked up and women got out of her car staring at everyone in the street. She then looked down at me and her jaw dropped. She ran up to me, pulling me up by the shirt. She held me close to her face and with a harsh yet concerned tone all she said was “Tyler?” Tears formed in my eyes, and she released me jolting her head towards the house were at least six men were dragging a beat up, unconscious Malachi out of the house. My heart skipped a beat and just as I was about to run in to get Anika and the others I saw the woman from the car running towards the house too. I yelled to her asking what she was doing and all she said was “Anika.” The reality hit me so strongly, this was her mother. I still ran following her into the house, hearing the cops show up in the background.

            I looked at Anika’s mom as we entered the house and by the expression I gave her, she knew to wait up there. I ran down the stairs and passed the other three doors that were all standing wide open, with the other girls just standing in shock, not realizing exactly what happened or what to do. I approached Anika’s room and just stared as I noticed her propped up against the bed on the floor, with the blanket rapped around her just staring at the blood all over the floor. I ran up to her, kneeling down on my knees and looked at her with such despair.

            “Did he hurt you?” I asked; she said nothing.

            “Anika, did he…?” My voice trailed off and she looked up at me with red puffy eyes.

            “They stopped him, just as… he was…” Her eyes filled with tears and I hugged her, feeling her body fall weak. I wanted to stay and just hold her but I knew what was happening.

            “Anika, you have to come with me now.” I said and she didn’t say a word, just stood up and I helped wrap the blanket around her tightly. We walked out her door passing the other three noticing all of the other girls were gone and just as we were approaching the stairs, Anika’s mom screamed her name from up top. Anika looked up and instantly cried, with shaking lips and hands. I let go of her then and she ran up the stairs right into her mother’s arms. I had finally done something right.

            A cop then approached her and put a jacket over her and led them out of the house to the ambulance. I just stood at the end of the stairs, not knowing what to do, not knowing my place.

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