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nova: audrey who is rachel murray?

cutie: excuse me?

cutie: how do you know about rachel?

nova: i don't

nova: nina thunderbitch patterson borrowed will's phone to text me to ask you about her

nova: she also called me a dyke so i blocked will, i never even liked him anyway

nova: not that i have anything against being a dyke, but she was calling me it in an offending way

nova: audrey? are you there?

cutie: rachel was my girlfriend about eight months ago

nova: okay? then i don't understand why nina would tell me her name, it's not really my business

nova: i had a boyfriend about a year ago, and i didn't tell you about him

cutie: she told you to ask me about rachel because she wants to hurt me, she  thinks that she can break me down that easy

nova: i don't quite understand

nova: (thank you for the study session with zoe, by the way. i'm pretty sure i aced my essay)

cutie: you know it's funny, really

cutie: nina moved miles away, but she's still trying to torment me

nova: just block her on every social media, don't give her the satisfaction of a response

nova: she's like a demon, she feeds on the fear and pain of others

nova: seriously, i will go to fucking washington to shove a cactus up her ass if she won't stop

cutie: thank you, nova

cutie: really

nova: anytime :)

nova: you don't have to tell me about rachel if you don't want to, i promise

cutie: thank you

cutie: i have to go now, though

cutie: i have a shift at the movie theatre

nova: okay, good luck :-)

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