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"Love is for losers.It's just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen."-Blair Waldorf

There's a fine line between knowing what you need and what you want.I've always been one to balance my life,pushing away what I wanted and keeping what I needed.It helped me build a sturdy foundation.Another thing you should know about me is I didn't believe in fate and love.It was utter and complete BS.

It wasn't that I was negative,I adored mankind.I talked to everyone and liked everyone.Its just that I believe everything happened accordingly because that's just what you decided you wanted.You chose a certain path and it leads to what happens in the future.I believed that love is nothing, its just a attraction that would wear off after a few weeks.

But when I met Winter,however,my cycle began to teeter. Winter was a need and a want.I suddenly understood the true meaning of weakness.I started losing control,became reckless in my own way.I started to believe in fate and when the realisation hit it was then in that moment I lost all control.I didn't care though.

But we had an expiration date.Like a one night stand,Winter and I had to no needed to regain control,we needed to know our limitations.

It wasn't that I wanted him to go,I needed him to go.It wasn't that I didn't want him to understand me,I needed him to not understand how I operated.I didn't want to be like this,like my parents,I needed to be like my parents.

The day we met,Winter and I, it was nothing special.There hardly ever is anything important about the events leading up to the occasion.But what I did remember was the untameable mop of brown hair on his head and lightly freckled face pearing down at me.Nothing special.

But there are two types of attraction.The instant kind where at first sight your stomach seems to be hosting a party of zoo animals performing at a circus.And then there was the slow-building one.Kinda like.....the annoyingly,handsome jerk that has been teasing you since second grade is actually your one and only true love and prince charming.

With Winter,it wasn't that hard,he fell into the instant attraction category.

And thats all it was.Or...so I thought.

He was awkwardly adorable with that mop of untameable hair on his head and bright chocolate brown eyes.He seemed to always have this faraway look in his eyes.

He was a mystery.He was a drug and I was addicted to him.I wanted to solve him.

Had I known he would become my sun and I his moon,I would've been more careful,more in control.

This is the story of us,Winter and I.

A/N: Hey there loves,here's another chapter,I hope you like it.I wrote this at 3 am in the night and so excuse me if my writing seems off.I promise I'll edit it later.....I swear.

Todays question:
If you could be a Disney princess,who would you choose and why?

Please do keep supporting me guys.Comment and vote on this book.
BTW--Sorry in advance for the typos.

Keep reading.
Love ya all.

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