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"Teenagers.Everything is so apocalyptic." - Kami Garcia

My lack of sleep and long cold nights eventually caught up to me and I found myself in bed.

Sick.Alone,grouchy and miserable.

It had been 2 days since I had left this bed due to my mothers insistent nagging for me to remain put.

It had been 2 days since I last saw Winter from our last escapade to the center of the world.

I smiled fondly at the memory,then frowned when I remembered my current situation.

In simpler terms,I was missing Winter and sleep deprived.

My sunday was spent lying in bed,reading and eating chicken noodle soup.

At around four,my mother popped her head into my room.A frown on her face.

"There's someone at the door for you.He says his name is....Winter..an odd name I should say...but should I let him in."


My mother raised one perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me.

"I mean yes,"I missed him,if I was being truthful.I missed our nightly escapades and talks about nothing at all.I had every right to be happy,it had been 2 days since I've last seen him.

"Ok.Though I dont think you should associate yourself with him much.He looks like the wild and carefree type.Bad for your reputation."

But maybe thats exactly what I need mother.


"I missed you."

That one sentence...those 3 words made my heart skip beats,It made my breath get stuck in my throat and made me into a stuttering puddle.

Before I answered him.A fleeting thought went through my mind,one that unnerved me.

This is how you feel when you're about to fall off the cliff of love.

"So....nice of you,"I said at a lost for words at how absaloutly gorgeous he looked.A fallen angel in disguise.

Something felt diffrent when Winter entered my room.A wave of intimacy,one I'd never experience,overwhelmed me like a lovers first kiss.

Suddenly,I felt self-concious.This would be the first time Winter and I met in daylight.

I snuck a glance at the dim morning light that snuck through the windows bathing the room in soothing-orange tones,to make sure this wasn"t a fantasy but reality.

"We were alone....in my room."I caught myself thinking,"Oh god,Dalia the typical teenager human part of you is showing."

And I couldn't help but feel the rush of blood as my skin reddened.

"Really Dalia,your blushing too.What happened to the rational you?"

"I--I-I,"the words fail to come out my mouth.

Although they were alone many times before,this time a knot was growing in my stomach.I avoided Winters eyes and spoke directly while looking at the wall next to his head.

But I couldnt helped it and spared him a quick glance.

Winter sat on the floor like an innocent little kid,with his back resting against the wall and his head on his knees.He watched me with twinkling eyes...they seemed to be laughing at me.

"Why don't you sit here?"I asked him pointedly."Or if you dont want to sit next to me on the bed,you can sit on the beanbag."

"Its alright.I just like floors better.Well,I don't have a obsession with floors or anything like that."He said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

We stared at each other.

I couldn't help it any longer and burst out laughing,Winter joining in after a while.

And just like that whatever tension was there it was gone.Gone with the wind.

"How are you feeling?"

"Im fantastic!"I said a little to sarcastically.

"I can see that,with the bags under your eyes,and that red puffy runny nose.You know you remember me of somebody....oh..yes ......The grinch!"He said be fore letting loose a carefree laugh.

"I hate you."

"I love you too,"he said playfully.But it didnt stop my heart from doing somersaults.

"I brought us some movies to watch.What do you say are you up for it?"

He didnt even have to ask twice.

Thats how we spent my sunday evening.Eating popcorn and watch films with subtitles.

It was weird and unnerving how I had come to rely on Winter to brighten my day.How I had come to love the very idea of him staying in my life.

I knew thoughts like these was wrong and dangerous.I knew I wasn't suppose to get attached to him but yet I did.

Watching him watch the television,mouthing the words along with the characters,I knew I needed him and wanted him there,in my life.

That was the plain and simple truth.

Maybe....just maybe....this could work.

A/N: Hey there loves,here's another chapter,I hope you like it.

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BTW--Sorry in advance for the typos.

Keep reading.
Love ya all.

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