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"Hyung," A young man, around his early twenties, called out to his older member, who was eating his very own made dish quietly. "Can you hear that?" he asked, already approaching their apartment's window.

     The older one stops chewing and tries to observe. Just in time he recognized the sounds coming from outside, Hoseok turned to him with a surprised expression, and he was the same. "Ambulance!" they both chorused.

     "Namjoon-ah! Come over here!" Hoseok yelled from the living room.

     After a few seconds, a tall guy with a messy blonde hair got out from one of the rooms. "Why are you being so loud?" the blonde complained but approached Hoseok anyways. "There's a lot of people outside, and there's an ambulance." Seokjin told him, who was now by the window with them, observing the happening few floors below them.

     "Should we check it out?" Hoseok asks, hinting hope in his voice. Namjoon was quiet as he watched along with Jin but it wasn't too long before he came up with a reply. He nodded. "Looks serious. We should."

My eyes shot open.

     My sight was blurred and I couldn't make out what was in front of me, but it soon adjusted.

     Beautiful faces welcomed my sight.

     They were all looking at me. Some of them were already crying and some stood up, raking their hand through their locks. "What did the hospital had to say, oppa?" one of them asks a middle aged man who looks troubled as much as they are.

     "Calm down Soul-ah, help is on the way." He assures her with a pat on the shoulder. She nodded and ran a hand through her hair again.

     I slowly sat up and to my surprise, they didn't budge from their positions. No one reacted to me sitting up. Scanning their line of sight, they were still looking at were my head was when I was lying down.


     I raised my right hand and waved in front of their faces and again to my surprise, no reaction at all.

     "Umm, hello?" I began, growing uneasy of the situation. Adding up to my frustration, they didn't seem to hear me so I repeated, louder this time. A gasp came out from my mouth when I still can't bring them to react.

     I was starting to freak out that I stood up and took a few step backwards.

     Wrong move.

     They weren't looking at me, they were looking at something else, someone else.

     From where I previously lay was a girl who, weirdly, is unconciously splayed on the ground. It is impossible that she's conscious, she has blood pooling around her head.

     But how is she there when I was there?!

     I scanned my body, beginning with what I'm wearing and then compared it to hers.

     Is that me?

     Scared and confused, I fled away from the scene. Not knowing where to go, I ran to a building I don't even know. I look back, they were still there, waiting for something to happen. Waiting for help. I faced my direction again only to see guys running towards my direction. I stopped abruptly, but I was too late.

     The boys went through me before I could stop.

     Went through me.

     Okay, I am confused as hell. What was happening to me? How did I even end up here? Why was I laying down in the middle of the road? Why can't they see me? How can people get through me?

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