▪ epilogue ▪

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[BREAKING NEWS] BTS's Jungkook and Lovelyz's Yein are confirmed to be dating!

     December 13, 2015, the two companies of both parties, Bighit Entertainment and Woolim Entertainment puts an end to the never ending suspicions of the fans and the netizens as they officially announce that Jungkook and Yein were dating.

     The first of November 2015, Lovelyz's Yein got involved in a car accident, causing her to be unconscious for a few weeks. In the next day, Jungkook was found visiting Yein's room in the hospital. Jungkook was also found in the same room for the next week, when Yein woke up.

     Yein was also spotted entering the building where BTS's dorm was located.

     With these, fans began suspecting that something was really going on between them.

     Now their questions has been answered since both companies declared that they were dating for a week now. The two apologizes for telling everyone late since they both want it to be announced after both of their groups made their comeback.

     Congratulations to both of them finding each other! We'll hope for a stronger and healthier relationship in the future!

"So were now known as a couple?" Yein questioned the smiling male beside her. Jungkook turned to her. "Don't you like it?" he questions back, sending the other to blush.

     Jungkook could only smile more as he witnessed his girlfriend getting shy every time he teases her about being his girlfriend. He pinched her cheeks gently. "Would you stop being cute, Jung Yein?" he told her with a chuckle.

     His girlfriend slapped his hand away and smirked. "I'm sorry Jeon, I can't." she replied. "It's already there even before I was born."

     Jungkook scoffed after hearing what she said. "Yah Jung Yein, when did you become a narcissist?"

     "Yah, Jeon Jungkook, when did you learn to be greasy?" Yein retorted.

     Jungkook grinned and placed an arm around her shoulders to pull her close. "Aye, you like anyway~" he cooed in her ears. Yein laughed and shoved his face away. "What the hell Jeon?" she laughed once more.

     He grinned some more. "Aye, you're still in denial." he teased some more.

     "Shut up"

     "Shut me up then." he whispers on her ear, making her rise. Yein flinched and focused on the view in front of them. She began blushing furiously again. "S-stop J-Jeon..."

     Jungkook cupped her cheek and made her face him. She stared into her beautiful eyes softly. He let out a gentle smile. "What are you so shy about?" he asked softly.

     Yein smiled back at him and held his that was cupping her cheek. "I'm sorry Kookie," she began. "I'm just not used to this yet..."

     He widened his smile. "Me too."

     "But you seemed more experienced..."

     Her boyfriend chuckled and kissed her forehead. "That's what you thought." he told her.

     With all the courage she gathered, she leaned in and pecked Jungkook on the lips, catching him off-guard. "How's that for a start?"

     Jungkook stared his girlfriend, wide-eyed, before breaking into a grin. "Ain't bad." he answered. "But can you do it again?"

     She shook her head vigorously. "Nope"

     "Oh come on!" Jungkook whined like a kid, making the other laugh. "Just one more then I'll stay quiet, pleaaase~"

     "Okay okay, geez" she says finally. Jungkook grinned like a winner.

     Yein began leaning once more, closing her eyes. Jungkook took this opportunity and placed his hand on her neck and pulled her close, clashing their lips.

     Yein smiled in the kiss when she realized her boyfriend sneaked on her once again but gave in anyway. She knew she couldn't resist the boy. She felt Jungkook smiling in the kiss as well, probably because he was victorious once again.

     It was a sweet kiss. Moving their lips in sync with their smiles in it as they held each other.

     After a few seconds, both broke away. Jungkook cupped both of her cheeks and leaned hi forehead on hers. Their breaths were tangled. "I love you, Yein-ah..." he said in a whisper before pecking on her lips.

     Yein smiled as she felt her heart jumping in pure bliss. Only Jungkook knows how to make her heart do that. "I love you to, Jeon, to the moon and back." she replied.

     "Aye, since when did you learn to be greasy?" he questions softly.

     Yein rolls her eyes playfully. "From you, pabo."

     Jungkook chuckled. "That's my girl."

     He released her girlfriend and placed an arm around her again. He pulled her closer to his chest to warm her up. Yein leaned in on his shoulder comfortably, taking in his warmth as they enjoy her favorite view of the buildings and city lights under the starry sky.

     "Hey, this is you favorite place right?" Jungkook asked and kissed her hair.

     "Yeah why?"

     "Do you know where my favorite place is?"

     "Isn't it also here?"

     "Nope," he answered. "It could be any where, as long as I am with you."

     Yein laughed and held his hand. "Yah, I had to much grease. Save the rest for tomorrow." she told him, though she can't contain the smile that was plastered on her face. "But thank you, that was sweet jagi."

     "Did you just call me jagi?!" Jungkook exclaimed, looking at her.

     Yein ignored his surprised reaction and hugged his waist. "Nope"

     "But I heard you!"

     Yein laughed and shook her head.

     And Jungkook bugging her about her calling jagi went on for the rest of the night, but she didn't mind. She only wanted Jungkook to bug her like that, under the starry sky.

You know guys, I made this little challenge for myself before I began this fic. It's to not-to-ship-them-until-the-end challenge hahahahaha

But I failed, miserably.

You see, I was searching for this edited pics of them and I found that pic above

And it really got to me. ._.

My feels exploded, just like that. Because of that pic. Now I was writing this chapter with su mats feelsxz I kennat evritim. ._.

ANYWAYS! Their story ends here. Again, thank you so much for the support guys. This was really unexpected jinjja. Some of you even told me to not to end this yet huhuhuhu Im really really sorry guys. I just have no more ideas if I want to keep this longer because this was intended to be a short story in the first place, though thanks a lot really huehuehuehue

I'll be updating you guys if I have new stories! I have plans hekhekhekhek I'll give you a clue! Another from BangLyz huahuahuahua but it'll be shorter than this wan

So yep, I'm hoping to see you guys again soon! Byyeeiii thanks a loot~

- beschissenkyung 😊

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