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Once we got to the mall, we split up, Lace and I shopped for about 2 hours, I was waiting on Lace to try on this outfit so I went on snapchat and looked at Cameron's story. He put a bathroom selfie on it. I laughed and screenshotted it.

I sent him the screenshot with a text saying,

"Aye whatta cutie."

he replied with,

an image from my snapchat and a message saying,

"no your the cutie ;)"

I smile and put down my phone.

Lacey finished so we left the store and met up with the boys.

"Okay where to now?" I ask.

"Food." Nash says and leads the way.

we all got out food and sat down. A few girls came up to all of us and asked us for pictures, etc, which we gladly accepted. But it was getting extremely crowded so we left and ate in the car.

on the ride home, the clouds were getting grey and it started to drizzle.

"I hate storms." I say.

a flash of lightning flashed in front of us and thunder struck so I got scared and jumped.

Nash laughed from the back of the car so I shot him a glare.

"Okay we're here." we pulled up at Lacey and I's house and we all went inside quickly.

"Dang it we forgot all of Lacey and I's bags." I say.

"I got it." Cam said walking outside.
I followed behind him.

We went out to the car and opened the trunk, but instead of getting backs, Cameron sat down.

"What are you doing?" I ask him confused.

"I think it feels good out here, like just sit here and listen to the rain." he says.

I say down and tried but thunder and lighting made me jump. I was terrified of storms.

"Cameron i hate storms." I say.

"No, no its okay just sit here for a minute, your okay i promise." he said and put an arm around me.

I started to calm down.

"See its okay." he said and i nodded.

we grabbed the bags and ran inside trying to beat the rain but we got soaked.

once we got in we set down the bags.

"Nash and Matt wanted to lock you out but I didnt let them." Lacey says.

I laughed and went upstairs to change.

"Cameron my brother left alot of clothes here you can wear some of them." I say and give him sweatpants and a t shirt.

I changed into leggings and a hoodie and went downstairs.

"yall can spend the night here if you want." I say.

they all nodded and we sat down on the couch.

we all decided to watch a movie.


i started a new book called Heartbeat its an Espinosa story please check it out :)

- Z

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