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I woke up first again the next morning. I had a dream about Cameron..

sab's dream:

Cameron and I were walking together outside and we were holding hands. He let go of my hand and put his hand around my waist. In my dream, i guess we were dating but the tweet kept replaying in my mind. Anyway, as we walked together we walked by a few shops and went into a boutique. it was small and cute. Cameron bought something, but i didnt know what is was. once we walked out he handed it to me. i opened the small box and saw it was a necklace with a 'S+C' he put it on me and kissed me.
dream over

it wasnt a long dream, but definitely an important one.

I really like Cameron.

a few minutes later Cameron woke up and came into the kitchen with me.

everyone else was asleep.

he smiled at me as he came in but neither of us said anything but i could tell he wanted to tell me something.

"Sab?" he said.

"yes?" i answer.

he paused for a moment.

"do you want to um, go out tonight?" he says.

"like on a date?" I say with a smile.

he nods.

"yes i would love to go on a date with you." i say and his face lights up.

"now lets go wake up these losers." I say laughing.

sorry short but just to get the ball rolling! they are going on a date yay!


Mine || Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now