Kisses and Bruises (Claude x Reader) (LEMON)

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WARNING: Sexual content and nosebleeds ahead!

Bruise by bruise. When one would fade, another would replace it. I can't seem feel pain anymore. It's as if I've grown accustomed to the feeling of pain. Burns, cuts, bruises, you name it, I have it.

I sigh and sit in front of the window in the library, the one place in the manor I knew Alois didn't like. He said reading gives him headaches. That's why he gets so worked up when he does his paperwork.

Then that's where I would come in. His fiancée becomes his personal punching bag. At first it was just verbal abuse and then it became physical abuse.

I sigh and open a book and begin reading. Funny how opposite my life is to the life of the woman in this book. In this book, she meets a handsome man and after one mishap, they are happily married with children. But they say there is no such thing as a happy ending.

"Lady (Y/n)" I turn to the direction the voice came from and see Claude standing there.

"Claude.." I put my book down and sit straight.

"The Young Master wishes to see you in his study.." My heart sinks as I hear this.

I nod and stand from my seat. I head to his study and knock. No answer. I knock again, a little louder this time. Still no answer.

"Alois?" I walk in and look around.

The study is empty. I walk in and look around for any sign of him. Then, the door closes and I turn to see Claude.

"Claude?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

He says nothing and locks the door and walks towards me. I back up against the wall and close my eyes.

"I'm not here to hurt you (Y/n)" he says in a soft, low tone.

He reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear.

"W-What do you want from me?" My eyes close out of fear.

"You go through so much. It's about time someone made you feel something other then pain" his hand trails down to my face.

"W-What are you saying?" I feel my face heat up.

"I want to make you feel special, do you want this?" He whispers.

I open my eyes and they meet with his golden ones. His thumb trails over my lip before he leans forward and connects them to mine. I pull away and shake my head.

"What if Alois sees? He'll kill both of us.." I sigh deeply, thinking of the things he would say and do.

"He's visiting Lord Phantomhive, I'm fetching him at 7 tonight. We have plenty of time alone. He didn't want you to come with because he was worried you would "bitch" in front of Ciel." He gently kisses my jawline.

"O-Okay.." I breathe out, hatred building up towards Alois.

"Normally I wouldn't care, but if you feel uncomfortable at anytime, say so and I'll stop. But I should warn you, I don't like stopping when I've started" he bites my ear gently.

I say nothing but let out a shaky breath. Was I really going to cheat on my fiancée with his butler? Two crimes in one act?

"I'm going to ask one more time, do you want this?" His hand slides down to my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"Y-Yes" I try my hardest to maintain my composure.

"Then let us begin" he presses his lips to mine, picking me up and moving me over to Alois's desk.

I kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hand works on the back of my dress and he pulls it off my shoulders once it's loosened. He pulls me up and pulls the dress out of under me, then sits me back down.

He steps back and his eyes scan over my body. Over all the scars and bruises I have. He leans forward and runs his lips across my bruised skin, gently kissing each bruise. My breathing becomes heavier as his gloved hands run along my body. He lowers his hand to my ass, giving it a quick squeeze.

"Here or my room?" His breathing is heavier as well.

"Here.." I say breathlessly.

"Can't wait can you?" He chuckles as he undoes his belt.

"I can do something for you.." I blush and look away.

"And what would that be?" His hands run over my corset covered chest and to my hips.

I say nothing and get on my knees. He takes the hint and pulls his boxers down, causing his member to spring up. I look up at him as he takes off his gloves and glasses, putting them aside.

"I might not be good.." I feel a sudden wave of hesitation wash over me.

"That's fine.." He aligns his member with my mouth.

I lean forward and take it in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the tip. I hear a groan from him and his hand grips my hair, making me take him further. He moves his hips forward as I bob my head. His groans become louder and he suddenly pulls back.

"Not yet.." He pants.

He pulls me up and makes me bend over the desk.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks, pulling my panties down.

"I thought you said last time was the final time you were going to ask me that.." I move some of Alois's things aside to reposition myself.

"Yes but I wish for you to be comfortable.." He reaches forward and unlaces my corset.

I move it aside and put it on a chair. I look at him over my shoulder and nod.

"Very well" he leans forward and pushes into me, earning a moan from both of us.

He starts slowly, then picks up his pace.

"Oh god" I grip onto the edge of the desk.

He groans and picks up the pace. We both stop suddenly when we hear a knock at the door.

"Yes?" Claude looks forward at me and continues pushing into me.

I put a hand over my mouth to conceal my moans.

"I need to clean His Highness's study" I recognise the voice as Hannah's.

He pulls out and sits on Alois's chair, pulling me down and pushing into me again.

"I'm taking care of it" he grits his teeth as I move my hips.

"Do you need any help?" She wiggles the knob on the door.

"No" he grunts.

"Are you alright?" She continues trying to open the door.

"Yes and I wish to continue my cleaning in peace" he pulls me up and pushes me against the wall, picking up the pace.

"Very well.." Her footsteps fade down the hall.

Claude groans and leans to my neck, nibbling at it. I feel a knot in my stomach forming. He thrusts faster and releases inside of me as I release. We both catch our breath and he pulls out.

"How did that feel?" He lets me off the wall and helps me put my clothing on.

"Amazing.." I button up his shirt for him.

"Shall we do this again sometime then?" He cups my face in his hands.

"Of course.." I smile.

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