Practice Makes Perfect (Dagger x Reader) (LEMON)

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WARNING: Sexual content and nosebleeds ahead!

"Come on!" I sigh after the dagger misses the target for the sixth time.

"Wow you really suck" Peter laughs from the acrobat swing.

"I'll come up there and-

"Hey now Lass, ignore him" Joker chuckles.

I look up to Peter who's smirking down at me. Sometimes I really want to rip his little head off.

I turn to the target and take a breath.

"I got this" I mumble to myself and prepare my throw. "And.. bullseye- no!" I watch as the dagger stabs into the target, only to fall out afterwards.

I put the remaining knives down and sit on a box, not even wanting to make further attempts.

"I should just stick to acrobatics" I huff.

"You suck at that too!" Peter teases.

"That's it!" I stand to go after Peter but my arm is pulled back by a soft yet strong hand.

I turn my head to see Dagger smiling softly.

"If you want, when we've finished packing up for the day, I can give you some pointers, practice makes perfect after all" he lets go of my arm and scratches the back of his head.

"U-Uh sure, that'd be great, thanks Dagger" I smile brightly.

"Alright, meet me in the storage tent" He smiles once again and goes back to practice.

After we've all finished up for the day, I head to the storage tent and look around.

"Dagger?" I whisper, squinting as my eyes adjust to the darkness.

"I'm here" I hear from behind me, causing me to jump and giggle.

"I didn't even see you there Dagger" I reach out to him.

He grabs my hand and pulls me into him.

"D-Dagger?" My eyes widen as my chest presses to his.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), I shouldn't have asked you to come here.." he sighs.

"B-But I agreed to come here, f-for practice.." I mumble, thoughts flying everywhere.

"But I didn't invite you here with the intentions of practicing and I'm sorry.." he lets go of me and looks down.

"W-Why did you want me here then? You said you'd.."

"Yes I know, I said I'd give you pointers for throwing knives. But.. the real reason I wanted you to come here is because I wanted to say something.." He's mumbling nervously now.

"What did you want to say Dagger?" Now being able to partly see my surroundings, I reach out and grab his hand.

"I-I like you! A lot!" He blurts out and turns away from me, hands covering his mouth.

"W-Wha?!" My jaw drops and my eyes widen.

"I-I'm sorry! Forget I said anything!"

I stand there for awhile in silence, then I place a hand on his shoulder.

"But.. Beast.." I frown.

He turns to me and sighs.

"I did like her for a long time. So long that I realised I was wasting my time on her. Then you joined and it's like you were the sunshine for me on a rainy day and it came the the point I couldn't hide my feelings anymore.." (Tokyo Ghoul fans, put that together and you'll want me dead) he scratches the back of his head and looks down.

"Dagger.." I sigh and smile.

Leaning forward, I press my lips to his. He stands there, shocked for awhile, but gladly accepts the kiss when he processes what's going on.

His tongue slips past my lips, into my mouth, battling mine for dominance. He, of course, wins. He pulls away after awhile and tucks a lock of hair behind my ear.

"(Y/n), please be mine.." he whispers.

I nod and smile. He smiles and lifts me up onto a box. His lips connect with mine again and we're lost in a heated, passionate kiss.

His hands move to my hips and slide up my shirt. I gasp at the feeling of his cold hands against my skin, making him smirk. A smirk I can feel in the kiss we share.

He grabs the bottom of my shirt and pulls it off, eyes widening as he sees my chest.

"So beautiful.."

I look away shyly, giving him the opportunity to bury his face into my neck, leaving gentle kisses.

I bite my lip and grasp his arms tightly. He finds the spot that really gets me and continues to work on that spot, causing me to make those sweet little sounds I know he likes.

"Dagger, please be gentle.." I gasp at the feeling of his lips against my skin.

He pulls back and smiles, kissing my forehead.

"Of course I'll be gentle" he tilts his head and pulls my pants down and puts them aside.

"May I, Love?" He asks somewhat shyly.

"You may.." I look away, blushing.

He slowly pulls down my panties, putting them aside as well.

"So wet.."

"D-don't talk about it.." he chuckles at my reaction.

"I think that'll be enough.." he pulls off his shirt and pulls his pants to his knees.

"I-I'm gonna put it in (Y/n).." his face turns red.

I nod and shut my eyes tightly. He locks his fingers with mine and pushes in slowly. I bite my lip and hold back tears.

"I'll wait.." he kisses me gently and after awhile I experimentally move my hips against his, causing us both to moan slightly.

He takes this as a signal and slowly begins moving.

"Ah, D-Dagger~" The good feeling finally replaces the pain and he picks up the pace.

"I-it's so h-hot.." he grunts.

Gradually, his pace increases and we're both moaning messes.

"I-I'm gonna.. UGH!" And with that he pulls back and releases on my stomach.

Lazily, I brush the hair out of his face.

"I really.. like you" he pants.

"I really like you too" I smile

A/N: No I'm not dead, also sorry for the lack of quality and editing in this one, it's been awhile and my brain had a sponge bath the other night >.<

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