Care For A Dance? (Sebastian x Reader)

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The ball was crowded. Funny enough it was Ciel Phantomhive's ball, yet he was no where to be seen. Oh wait there he is, rather short isn't he?

Trying to find a quiet spot to stand was a task as everywhere I went stood a group of nobles chatting away. I look at my empty glass.

"Might as well get a refill" I sigh as I look towards the crowd I have to push through.

I make my way through the crowd with a quiet "Pardon me" or "Sorry" until I eventually reach the refreshment table and pour myself a drink. Before I can even lift the glass to my lips, I'm shoved by a noble man.

He stumbles back and catches himself but I stumble back, falling down. Before I hit the ground, a strong arm wraps around my waist.

"Are you alright Milady?" A deep smooth voice asks.

I look up to see a very handsome man with almost red eyes and raven hair. I feel my cheeks heat up as he smiles brightly.

"Y-Yes" I turn my head, avoiding eye contact.

He helps me to my feet and presents me with my glass, my drink still in it without a drop spilt.

"Amazing.." I whisper.

He chuckles and runs a hand through his hair before giving me a charming smile.

"My name is Sebastian Michaelis, head butler of the Phantomhive household" he bows with a wink.

I put my glass down and bow.

"I am (Y/n) (L/n) of the (L/n) household, pleasure to meet you" I smile shyly.

"Would you care to join me for this dance Milady?" He puts his hand out to me.

My cheeks heat up even more and I nod, taking his hand. He leads me onto the dance floor and we begin dancing with smooth movement. My eyes are glued to the floor, not daring to look up into his eyes.

He lifts my head by my chin and chuckles.

"Don't you know you're supposed to look at your partner while dancing?" He smirks.

"I-I sorry.." I thought it wasn't possible, but my cheeks get even warmer.

His hand slides down to my lower back and he hums along to the music, smiling down at me. I take this as a chance to take in all of his features. His dark hair, seemingly red eyes, his thin lips and his defined jaw line. Everything about him gets me excited.

"Ive grown rather tired dancing, why don't I take you on a personal tour of the manor?" His smirk is now a mischievous one.

I took the Raven haired butler up on his offer, and let's just say the tour ended in his bedroom. Yes it's something a whore would do, sleeping with a man she just met. But I couldn't stop myself. Everything about him was so enticing.

And here I am, months later, laying in bed with that very butler. His hand trails up and down my side as my hand runs up and down his chest.

"(Y/n).." He's still partially breathless from recent activities.

"Yes Sebastian?" I turn my head to look at him.

"Would it be strange if I were to say I loved you?" His hand stops, resting on my hip.

"Yes, it would" his lips turn downwards, into a frown at this.

"If I didn't love you too.."

We share a kiss and rest together, letting the faded ballroom music lull us to sleep.

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