Chapter 3

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Audrey's p.o.v

(Audrey's new friends are Alexa, Rebecca, Macy, Amy and Jenna)

"Don't forget class your reports are due Wednesday! Garret, you better bring yours in unless you'd like to redo 10th grade?" Our English teacher said.

"Oooooohhh" the whole class said.

"That's enough, you're all dismissed" she said and we all exited the room.

Every Monday, Thursday and Friday was p.e and was usually my last subject, so I was exhausted after school.

I changed. "Are you almost ready" Rebecca asked me.

"Yup, one, second" I said pausing.

"Okay I'm ready" I said coming out of the change room.

I threw my hair up into a ponytail as I made my way to the gym.

"Okay start your warm up, 3 laps around the gym" our coach said.

"Ughh" I groaned. "I feel you" Rebecca said.

"Heyy Audrey, you still coming tonight right" Stacy asked jogging up to me with her crew.

"Oh yea I am" I replied and they jogged off after saying "see you soon!".

"You're going to their party?" Rebecca asked. "Yea, it's going to be fun" i said.

"Why what's wrong?" I asked her.

"It's not what a grade 10 party should be like but if you wanna go, go!" Rebecca said.

"Oh what happens" I asked.

"People get drunk, smoke do drugs or either hook up with other people" Macy  said jointing the run.

"Heyy! Oh my" I said and we stopped running.

"Today's the day, you get to climb the rope!" Our coach said. "So none of you are going?" I asked.

"Well Alexa and Jenna are, they go to tell us what happens" Rebecca said.

"Oh" I said laughing a bit.

"Gram! You're up" our coach said.

"Huh-" he cut me off.

"You're new, so why not go first!" He suggested.

"Okay" I said and got super nervous.

"You just have to climb up to the second knot" he said pointing up.

I finally made it up and got back down safely.

"Nice one gram, Ryerson you're next" coach yelled.

And so on.

At home.

So the party starts in a few hours so i decided to just lay around and go on Instagram.

I seen a few pic of my friends from my old school, makes me sad but I know I'm seeing them soon.

Tomorrow actually! Woah, time went by faster than I thought. It was already 8:00 and the party started at 9:00

Bullied by Hunter Rowland Where stories live. Discover now