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I am the water,
That runs through my veins.
I am the stone,
That the water hits,
And jumps around.
My limbs are the trees,
That grow on the banks,
And when the sun,
Lays it's rays on me,
I glow and sparkle.

Despite my beauty I am also deadly.

I am the ice cold water,
That slices through your skin.
I am the steep drops,
And curvy slopes,
Paved with high and low rock,
And fallen trees,
That have been split,
And swept away,
By my strong,
And powerful,

That bounce off rock.
Waves that slice through debris.
Waves that are beautiful,
And deadly,
And perfectly created,
By the land around me.

I am also you.
I am your rapids,
Your racing emotions.
My water is your blood,
And my anger,
Is expressed,
Through the powerful force,
Of my waves,
Of your actions.
I am deadly,
By the icy water,
And power I hold,
By your hurtful words,
And power they hold.
You are beautiful,
And deadly,
And perfectly created,
By the people around you.

The land changes me.
People change you.
Weather for the better,
It depends on where I am,
And what I let pass through me.
It depends on where you are,
And what you let influence you.
Be careful around beautiful things,
Because you never really know,
How deadly they truly are.

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