Awakening from Ashes

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        Waves of water splashed along the log supports of the dock. The wooden plank dock spread out off the yard of a small cabin that layer near a lake. The porch was blocked by a gate that dangled a worn sign that read the words. "Tinkerer at work, do not disturb!" Inside the quaint shack was a man decked from head to toe in a mixture of leather and rubber. His work uniform consisted of a chest plate of gadgets and gizmos that's strapped on him with leather straps as well as rubber worn boots and gloves and a weilders helmet. Hunching over his work table he tinkered with a lifeless robotic human like figure. All this required close precision and tedious work. Sweat beaded down his face. He had been working on this project for 18 years now. He wanted a daughter of his own but couldn't. He was very recluse and didn't know many of those in the kingdom. However, he knew those from other places which gave him knowledge and varied experience in technologies from the richer and more advanced kingdoms compared of which he lived. Each day he aged he would grow and age his soon to be robotic daughter. He stopped when she was made to be 21 years old he knew she should at least be an adult since once he's done building her she won't age.

     The wires that filled her pumped with oil that kept her warm so to outsider she'd not only look human, but feel human. Her skin was made akin to be like the skin bandages in the more technology based cities. A skin bandage was meant to feel and look like actual skin. He wrapped her in a sensory electronic fabric that allowed the more bulky interior to still work outside the skin. He put roll upon roll of the skin bandage on her layering them carefully and sewing them together at natural human folds. She looked almost human her eyes glass layered with a clear oil to make them not glossy. The eyes that appeared on the glass looked grayish blue. Her hair was strategically placed to appear even more human. On the back was where a tattoo was placed onto of the bandage to hide he memory, intelligence, and self awareness. She was meant  to be entirely sentient and talk normally. She was complete all he had to do was turn it on. He opened up the memory panel of her back and turned them all on closing and sealing the panel he awaited for the cyborg to boot up.

      He sat in silence for about an hour seeing the robotic like body twitch as it started to get used to movement. Night passed and morning came. Right when the sun was reaching the purple sky above the horizon the robot sat up and looked out the window. "Beautiful" she emitted her voice soft with a touch of playfulness in her voice. He didn't think he was this successful in creating a human. An outsider could easily mistake her for human even with close inspection. She turned to him and said "I'd like some clothes creator." He dug out an old hunting jacket that had patches and rips and a pair of small jeans. She zipped up the jacket and sat quietly.

        Years past. A new king had risen, after the slaying of the beast that plagued the town. The man disliked this King for unknown reasons. He couldn't help but feel uneasy when he saw him. Although he shook that fear and cared and protected his daughter. He took her into town on the day of a festival, many not knowing that she was his own creation. Anyone who asked he said that he had found her in the woods. As they made there way to the center of the festival and sheik was heard. The king had murdered his wife and his head knight. Chaos has erupted suddenly out of this nice sunny autumn day. The king was gutting people left and right. Blood rained from the sky as the massacre took place. The man escaped barely.

         The kings mind had snapped. The man believing he was safe was not, hours later the king showed up at his abode. Snatching the women from his grasp. "Why are you doing this?" the man cried. The king grinned. " I need a puppet to make sure everyone does what they are told. You really thought I couldn't tell your "daughter" was a pathetic creation of yours." The woman struggled in his grasp. The king ripped out her control panel causing her to go limp. "I'll make her better." He growled. "Now you... " The king held up his sword up to the man neck. " Must be eliminated like everyone else who saw what happened at the festival of the Autumnal Equinox!" He whispered. "Please spare me your majesty I'll do anything your heart desires." He plead. The sword cutting his neck every so slightly that a small cut had formed bleeding down his neck onto his work shirt. " I will spare you for the small cost of loyalty to me and being my head guard." He stated. The man nodded " Ill be loyal even in death Sire."  The guards that were with him had chained up the .an and brought him to the castle as dusk had started to take over the kingdom.

             This was the awakening the beginning of the fall.

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