Creators Mind

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Hi! Although this might be a joke chapter it still fits along with the short story since what you're reading right now is indeed a story. You see this defines as a story due to the fact I'm explaining what's going on. If this was an announcement then I'd be explaining a further chapter or something of the likes. But this is a step into my mind. Welcome....

Welcome to hell.

Well, it's not entirely hell but I'm sure any human mind is complicated and hellish. We all have murderous tendencies. How I like to take care of those is by drawing and well right now I'm typing. Speaking of which isn't it ironic that an aspiring writer's handwriting sucks. Well, I think it is at least.

So onto the thing, you've all been waiting for. I'm surprised the person who is reading hasn't skipped the first few paragraphs or the chapter for that matter. Anyway, If I was an entity in any of my stories if would be that of a god. I move things about and create characters and their personalities and their fates. Do I agree with some of their actions, well yes but I don't hate them? Even my most bastard villains.

I tend to enjoy drawing sad and painful scenes over happy ones. Its fuels my motivation to finish and perhaps color the drawing and same goes for writing. Just as how the first two chapters of this book were. Sad and miserable. Especially chapter 2. Though that chapter had me sobbing internally. God, it hurt. Did I mention I'm sympathetic and empathetic to the max? I can relate mainly to how I would feel in that situation. So that is how chapter 2 got produced, isn't that neat.

Anyway, I don't want to say much about my characters. Mainly due to spoilers and such. Cheers to my lucky friends who get to hear my obnoxious rambling about my original characters and stories.

Though be lucky the stories aren't spoiled for you. In fact reading it all the way through without my documentation would cause many to question the meanings and morals of them. Lostwave's Legacy and Floating High being the most intriguing to me.

Although I might be saying too much info, after all, stepping into the mind of a creator reveals too much about what's to come.

Now as you turn this page keep what I've said in mind.

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