~ Food? Yay!~

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Who enjoys waking up in dark room?

Not Bill Cipher, that's for sure.

The blonde demon groaned loudly....His wings were tied forcefully behind his back and if that wasn't enough he was starving... His jet black tail swished back and forth waiting for something to happen.

And as if the tail controlled someone's actions, the light flicked on, along with a new smell coming to the blonde's nose, he wanted so badly to jump up and eat whatever food had been brought in, but alas, his weak body would not allow him to do so.

The demon was shoved painfully into a sitting position, allowing him to look at the new arrival's face, the male he was gazing at had grey hair and cracked glasses covering coffee brown eyes, he had a broad chin and lastly, his eyebrows were knitted tightly together in anger.

Suddenly, Bill understood why the elderly male was angry, this was Stanford Pines, A man whose trust had been betrayed so many times throughout his life, mainly by the demon himself.

"Open your mouth." The grey haired man said sternly, Bill followed the command and allowed his jaw to drop.

A spoon was shoved into his mouth, he almost choked, Bill was sure whatever he had swallowed was soup, however he wasn't sure, yet the tingling warmth that it sent though his body got his tail to swish around happily.

He opened is mouth for another spoonful and that's what he got.

The bowl of soup had quickly vanished, heck it had practically been inhaled by the hungry demon. Yet, he was still stick thin, but no longer hungry.... Still tired, yet no longer starved.

Stanford took his arm away from behind the demon, he fell back onto the pillow he was laying on when he awoke, and suddenly, he had drifted into peaceful slumber once more.

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