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(I was listening to a remix of a Fire Emblem Awakening Ost and it inspired me, you guys can thank my favourite game for your much needed chapter.)

Bill couldn't take it anymore, how dare Lucifer to such things to him. Show him his lover in a dream only to drag him away from the brunette.
How dare he?
How Dare He?
"How dare you....?"

Bill whispered feebly, squished against the wall in the shadow covered corner of the room. Lucifer reached out to Bill once more, only to be burnt with angry blue flames.
"How dare you!" Screamed Bill, frustrated tears bubbling at the corner of his eyes, "Piss off! Fuck off! Just go away! Or let me go away!"

Lucifer could only state at the red faced demon, the angry tears having already taken their toll on his tan face.

He seemed to just be wallowing in his sorrows, crying out for love.

From a human.

Lucifer frowned, an angry frown on his sharp features.

"Just because..." The small male sobbed out with quiet word, "Just because I'm not favoured by God does not mean I deserve his hate, your hate, anybody's hate other then those justified.... You're not justified!" Shrieked the demon.

"You're not! You're not! You're not!" Bill had never felt a worse pain in his life, he kicked out, nailing his lord in the stomach, "Get away from me!"

Lucifer barely felt the kick, but he did feel the emotion, rage, pure rage, unfathomable rage. He didn't want his demon to be angry at him... Not one who looked so neat, there was only one other demon like him and she had one eye in human form, Bill was perfect but the sheer anger floating around the room was enough for Lucifer to think that his perfect creation was not perfect.

But underneath his rage was Bill's sorrow, his absolute pain, the depression that wept silent tears underneath his angry tears. The feeling was to much for a demon, he couldn't begin to explain how it felt if he tried to wipe away Bill's tears, Bill"s cheeks were being burnt by his own tears, Lucifer knew a similar thing would happen to his cheeks should he cry.

Demon's wept holy water so it hurt them greatly to give out a few tears.

Suddenly, Lucifer was having second thoughts about keeping his perfect creation to himself.

Should he send Bill Cipher to Earth?


Should he bring Mason Pines to Hell?

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