~Seeing A Savior~

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(I'm sorry it either take me a day to write twenty chapters or, like, a year for just one.)
With time, the blond demon came back to his normal sassy, yet dapper, self. If one were to look closely at his torso, they would only see faint lines where his ribs were, they would no longer see the cheekbones that kept him tired and weak. Of course, half the time he needed the help of Stanford, but eventually he could feed himself and walk without help.

Stanford's and Bill's relationship slowly got better, though Stanford was still cautious around the demon he no longer had his eyebrows knitted together angrily.

The events of Bill getting better led up to the event of himself and Stanford eating cereal in the kitchen. Bill was shirtless so 'he could manoeuvre his wings better'.

As they ate they heard a happy feminine voice shout, "C'mon Dipper, if you sleep any longer you'll miss breakfast!"

Bill froze, looking at Stanford as if asking of what he should, yet the elderly male did nothing.

Soon, a brunette female danced into the room, dragging along a similar looking brunette male. They both stopped as their gazes came upon the blond demon, who coughed, which led to choking and then, falling off his chair, onto the floor and landing painfully on his wings.

The male brunette rushed over, picking him up and doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on him, though that was a little difficult as the demon had wings.

Eventually, Bill stopped choking, and, careful not to have the pristine white horns atop his head slice though the older looking male, looked up to see him blushing, probably because the blond was shirtless. Bill let a sly grin split his face, making the human boy drop him. The demon groaned in pain.
"What was that for, Pine-Tree?" He questioned, his voice was oddly high pitched but at the same time you could hear his voice but lower pitch as he spoke.
"For stabbing forks into my arm!" The brunet made up an excuse.
"Why in the world are you still angry about that?!" The demon screeched.
"I don't know!!!" The human screeched right back.
"Then Why Did You Drop Me!?" He questioned loudly.
"Alright, lover birds, break it up." Spoke a gruff voice, Stanford.
"I Ship Them!!!" Squealed the brunette female beside Stanford.
Bill was quiet, on the other hand, Dipper definitely was not.
"Mabel, Gruncle Ford! We're Not Love Birds!!!" The boy shrieked, unaware the demon he dropped was getting up, pulling only one wing behind his back, the other extended, swishing down, the force of the wind pushing the unprepared brunet to the ground.
"Do shut up, I've just about healed from starvation and you're giving me a bloody awful headache." The blond spoke.
" 'Bloody'? What are you, British?" Mabel questioned him.
"No, I'm American, like you, I just prefer the ascent so I've adopted it as my own." Bill replied as the boy on the floor recovered from his fall, only for a foul swoop of a wing to push him back to the floor again.
"That one was for dropping me." The youngest looking male said.
"I dragged you out the forest!" The brunet shouted. "Anyway, I need to check up on you real quick, I know Ford has done it but I wanna do it myself." He continued.
"Fine." The blond spoke bluntly, soon after being dragged up the stairs to Dipper and Mabel's room by the twin who doesn't usually drag people.

How unnatural.

But one would guess a demon would cause the supernatural....
Wouldn't you?

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